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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

What's in store (and what's behind the door!)...

First of all I would like to wish ALL members of the Tudor Primary community a big 'Happy New Year!' Not only do we find ourselves in a new year but it is also a new decade.

What will the 2020s bring?

The last 10 years has seen huge change at Tudor Primary and it has been transformed from a single form entry school to one of over 440 pupils. I think it is fair to say the next 10 years will not see such radical change but we must endeavour to keep pushing our expectations forward and we must remain committed to Tudor Primary providing the best experiences for all those that come here each day.

Learning that excites...WHAT lies beyond the doorway? 

Our curriculum continues to excite and inspire all members of the school. When I introduced our creative thematic curriculum, I wanted it to be a real driver of enjoyment as well as key in the raising of standards for our young learners. When children are inspired and actively involved in their education, their potential is limitless and this is key to our ongoing development. All those that visit Tudor comment on the positive learning environments as well as the atmosphere that permeates the school.

Just look at how the teachers stimulate the interest in the children...

The teaching team have already been busy preparing their classrooms for the term ahead. Backgrounds of displays have been prepared, ready to present the work that the children will complete as the term unfolds. Even the doorways are welcoming the children into a world of thematic wonder! Can you guess what is in store behind some of the following doorways?

An environment of extremity?

 So who's been up to no good?!

Another hazardous environment?

So this is where  Ol' Farmer McFoy works...

And who 'DARES' to enter this room?!

Whilst what is MOST important is the enjoyment and learning that is created, I trust these images highlight how the Tudor Teaching Team aim to ensure that ALL children do get the most from their time in school. As I often say, EVERY DAY REALLY DOES COUNT and we have the highest aspirations for all the members of #TeamTudor.

We are excited about what 2020 will bring and I am sure you will enjoy hearing about the themes that will drive the learning forward in the Spring term.

Children in Early Years/ Foundation Stage have some 'magical' themed delights in store whilst the key themes for years 1-6 are as follows:

Year 1 and Year 2- From Field to Fork

Year 3 and Year 4- Crime and Punishment

Year 5 and Year 6- Extreme Environments

Do look at the class blogs for each year group on our website: there is so much to find out about life at Tudor Primary School. We continue to be blessed with a highly committed and professional teaching team and, importantly, we continue to seek ways to improve further. Do also look at the calendar on the website for when class assemblies are as well as important dates for parent consultations, etc.


I will share more in our next newsletter but it was pleasing to receive super feedback about our systems and structures for supporting children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) just before the end of the Autumn term. I requested an audit from the lead county advisor for Special Educational Needs and to see nearly all areas graded as 'EXEMPLARY' was really pleasing and this further evidences the impact of the changes that have taken place at Tudor in the recent past. Miss Reading is our new Inclusion Lead at Tudor and I know that she is determined to further improve the experiences of those children that need that 'something extra' to enable them  to flourish.

Let's keep doing our ALL for the community of our school...

Here's to a super new year at Tudor Primary!

Mr Weightman