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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

That busy, but fun, time of the year that is always a 'little different' in school...

Newsletter 7- Friday 6th December 2019

Dear Parents/ Carers,

2019 is drawing to a close and school remains a really fun (and busy) place to be. These final few weeks are really important we need to keep supporting the children to move forward. It is always a little ‘different’ in schools at this year and we must ensure that we get the balance right. I must say, though, by the atmosphere that continues to permeate throughout our school, that the children remain happy and engaged. I know I have said it (more than!) a few times, the positive engagement of the children with the teaching team is our strongest selling point to those new parents who are considering sending their children to Tudor. Next academic year will see the school at full capacity for the first time ever.

Welcome Mr Hodgkinson… and welcome back Miss Scott!

As I say to those (many!) people on the school tours, the important strength of any school is the talent of the teaching staff and I am confident in saying that Tudor has a super team. Mr Hodgkinson is our newest arrival and his appointment will be vital in our ongoing development. We have invested in Mr Hodgkinson having a full month of transition alongside Mrs Donley who is moving to South Hill School. He has certainly enjoyed his first full week as part of #TeamTudor.

Equally pleasing is the return of Miss Scott. She is looking forward to getting back in the classroom and she is using the next few weeks to work alongside Mr Wilkie. It will be sad to see Mr Wilkie depart but I am sure you will join me in thanking him for his efforts during Miss Scott’s absence. He has really helped the 2R cohort remain settled and on task in this first term.

Values- ‘Principles we aspire to have to create cohesion in our community’

Since 2017, Tudor has made a real commitment to raising the profile of values within the school. Ms Smith, as Deputy Headteacher, has helped share those key messages and we are very proud of how children are able to talk about values as well as recognise the positive impact they have in and around Tudor. This year, we aspire to achieve a national accreditation for values education- expect to read more about this in future newsletters.

So…what should children be READING?

As previous newsletters have mentioned, we are looking to really highlight the importance of reading. It really is the most important homework of all. Whilst every class has daily activities that teach reading skills it is the DAILY practise that will really unlock the potential in your children.

From widening vocabulary and helping children become better writers, to the pure enjoyment and wellbeing that reading can provide, the impact must not be underestimated. So whether it is Aliens Love Underpants in Foundation Stage or Kensuke’s Kingdom in year 5 or 6, information on our school website can be a great help. The (super) class blogs can also share what is highly recommended too. But, most importantly, allow some quality time for you to enjoy the book alongside your child and allow the text to take you anywhere and everywhere…

Our work alongside the School Health Service

Despite many of the budget cuts and stripping back of services in education, Tudor Primary is still able to benefit from the ‘School Nursing Service’. Our school nurse is called Hayley Golding and she is a highly professional and committed health care worker who works alongside the school in our duty of care to all children. Hayley is able to share key information with parents and the school is able to benefit greatly from her input.

There are many reports of more and more school children being unhealthy and our school nurse is concerned with trends of data at Tudor. We have made a huge commitment to sport and activity at Tudor in the recent years but weight and height screening tests are evidencing worrying numbers of our children being overweight. Please do consider ways to increase the level of activity of your children as well as improving the choices of food that are presented to the children. We are pleased with the numbers of children who have school lunches (rather than sugar filled packed lunches) but this is an area we must all recognise our role in.  

As highlighted in our last newsletter, please do NOT send packed lunch snacks containing nuts. Also, READ LABELS CAREFULLY- If the label says that it ‘may contain nuts’, please do NOT send those snacks in either. Let’s keep all our children safe…


SEND at Tudor- You will notice a new feature in our newsletters going forward. There will be a section (just like this) that will share important information that support our approaches to ‘Inclusion’. This is what we do at Tudor to ensure ALL children are able to flourish in our school.

On Friday 13th December (8.45-10.00am), there will be an extended ‘SEND Friends’ festive coffee morning. Mrs Donley will be on hand to say goodbye as well as introduce you to Mr Hodgkinson, our new Inclusion Leader for Tudor Primary. All members of the school community welcome!      

14th January- ‘Drop- in surgery’ with Chrissie Phillips who is our family support worker. Please book a time slot via the front office. Don’t forget to ALWAYS keep an eye on the school website for any other meetings that can support you and your family. After all, it is ALL about PARTNERSHIP!


Be aware of key information at this time of year… it is certainly PACKED full of FUN!

Many of you will have already received the letters highlighting the tickets and arrangements for the festive performances in the final week of term. As well as a number of fun activities in classes, the following festive performance dates can be added to your diaries:

- Year 1 and Year 2 will perform ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ to parents on Monday 16th December at 2pm. This will take place in the school hall.

- ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ is on Tuesday 17th December

- Nursery and Reception will perform ‘The Nativity Story’ to parents in the school hall on Tuesday 17th December at 10am.

- Years 3,4,5 and 6 will perform a ‘Festive Singing Concert’ on the playground  after school on Tuesday 17th December.

- Christmas Lunch is on Wednesday 18th December

- The ‘Rock Steady Concert’ is taking place in school on Thursday 19th December at 9.10am

- Our End of Term ‘Headteacher Assembly’ (with some fun surprises!) will take place on Friday 20th December.

- In regards to the Friends of Tudor’s events, the Bingo Event on Friday 13th December and the first ever FOT Pantomime is on Saturday 25th January. More details soon!

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. Tudor Primary will remain a vibrant place to be right up until term finishes at 2pm on Friday 20th December. #EVERYdayCOUNTS

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher