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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

What a fun way to end the half term...

Firstly I would like to say thank you to all the parents who represented their children at our first consultation evenings of the year this week. All at #TeamTudor are so committed to the children and we are confident in supporting them as they grow and develop at school. Such meetings are a time to share ideas on how to help them deal with any difficulty as well as celebrate the wonderful progress that they make academically and socially.

 As a reward for our super pupils at the end of this half term, the children enjoyed a performance of Pinocchio this morning. The hall was filled with fun and laughter and highlights included some of the teaching team dancing along to some well known tunes- it is a shame I do not have any video recordings of them!

The latest edition of our new reading magazine 'The Redwood Readers' is also out today. We hope you enjoy it and it is great to see how the school and families are working together to support the reading development of some of our youngest learners.

Have a read- it's available to view below:


On another note, be assured that details for our festive shows will be released early in the new half term. Keep an eye on the website for the release of dates and times. 

Have a great half term everyone. We look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 5th November. The final 2 months of 2019 are sure to be amazing as ever at Tudor Primary.