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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Important news about Tudor Primary including the latest feedback from county...

Newsletter 3- Friday 4th October 2019

Dear Parents/ Carers,

The new school year is well and truly underway. We have already had a focus on assessment and next week will include meetings with the senior leaders of the school and all year groups to share ideas about supporting individuals and groups. This will then help focus our efforts in ensuring all children get a fantastic deal at Tudor- and I am very confident in our school delivering this most important of pledges…

Holding Tudor to account- ‘Monitoring from county advisors’

The school has already received two important visits from our ‘Herts Improvement Partner’. This is part of the cycle of monitoring that all schools in Hertfordshire receive.

We are very proud of what we are doing at Tudor but it is important that we are able to demonstrate this to ‘experienced eyes’ who can then challenge us further. It was pleasing to hear that we had already identified the aspects of children’s learning that our advisor wanted to focus on. Our ‘data picture’ at Tudor is strong and we are now experiencing success across the school but we still want to get better- part of this will be further improving the outcomes for boys and reading. Whilst not uncommon across the country as a whole, our boys have not performed as well as the girls in reading. Be confident that we will work hard and pro-actively to improve outcomes for all.

Attendance- children only have ONE chance at an education…

There is NO bigger indicator in the success of a school than children and families wanting to make sure their children attend! Tudor Primary has historically been a school that has been adversely affected by the lack of support from a minority of parents regarding term time holidays. To challenge this (and to support the children’s educational and social development) the school now mirrors the approach of other schools and uses Fixed Penalty Notices to discourage parents from removing their children from school for extended periods of time. Following this, attendance has improved but following further advice, the school will be taking additional measures to help children benefit from a consistent education. If children are regarded as persistent absentees no further absence will be authorised until their attendance has improved considerably. As part of this, any medical/ illness absences will have to be supported by medical documentation.

As a parent myself I recognise the difference in the price of holidays when taken during term time but it will always surprise me when a financial saving is the priority rather than the education and wellbeing of the child. After all, children only get ONE chance at school and the evidence could not be clearer- high attenders enjoy more success educationally and socially!

Please be assured that this will not affect 95% of the parent community. If there are concerns regarding attendance for individual families, separate correspondence will be sent. Please be assured that the vast majority of strategies (and these have been extremely successful) will continue to focus on supporting families and helping them start each day in a positive way.

The Tudor E-Safety Event- supporting the school community with decision making…

Richard Maskrey delivered high quality e-safety training to all classes last week and it was pleasing to hear positive feedback about the school event. A number of parents (and children) have already mentioned changes and/ adjustments about their online activity. Richard was keen to deliver training as well as find out about what the Tudor children actually experience online. He has highlighted to me that he feels that Whatsapp (especially) is a major concern in our school. For an app that has guidance of age 16+, there are a high number of children in Key Stage 2 (and some as young as year 3 and year 4) who were able to talk about using such programs. Please do consider the negative impact of allowing your child access to such a potentially harmful app- it really has caused a number of issues at Tudor in the recent past!

EnergyKidz after school club- it is now up and RUNNING!

See the source image

We are obviously keeping a close eye on the EnergyKidz after school club. I must say that I am so impressed with the range of activities provided. I wish my own children could benefit from such an offer! The range of activities that the children can access daily is really impressive and the children clearly have a smashing time. Numbers are increasing and more families are benefiting from the super provision that is now in place at Tudor Primary from 7.45am until 6pm EVERY day. The breakfast club continues to be fantastically popular and it is great to know EnergyKidz are providing high quality experiences after school too. At just over £10 per session (inc. buffet style healthy snacks/ food) it is great value.

Parent Consultation Evenings- Tuesday 22nd October and Thursday 24th October

Online booking is open for our first consultation evenings of the year. To book your time of choice visit:

DO NOT put ‘www’ before the web address- this can cause the website to not load. If you require any support to book your appointments, do visit the school office- we hope to see every child represented at the meetings.

Some other important dates!

  • The next meeting of the fantastic ‘Friends of Tudor’ is on Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm- come along and help make a difference for the children of Tudor.
  • Individual photos for children will be on Wednesday 23rd October

Thank you for your continued support of ‘all things Tudor’

There is no getting away from the fact that Tudor is now a very busy 2 form entry primary school and it is one of the largest primary schools in Hemel Hempstead. I continue to work alongside local headteachers and it is apparent that our ability to meet the expectations of all parents in our schools will always be tested. I will continue to endeavour that the views of all are listened to and there are a range of ways that families can engage with the school.

Both Richard Maskrey (who works in many schools) as well as our school advisor stated in their feedback, ‘There are not many schools as happy and as positive at Tudor!’… and long may that continue!

To the VAST MAJORITY of parents who recognise the importance of #TeamTudor and continue to work WITH the school (whether it is getting your children to school on time, speaking to staff politely or simply reading with your child every night)- THANK YOU for all that you do.

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher