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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some VERY important thanks as well as the latest information about all things TUDOR!

Newsletter 2- Thursday 19th September

Dear Parents/ Carers,

What a super, sunny start to the year it has been. It has not just been the weather that has been bright and cheery during the first three weeks of term, it has been the atmosphere inside the classrooms too!

Thank you Jenny Howard- a ‘True Tudor Champion’ departs…

My main news item relates to the departure of a person who has been vital to the success of Tudor Primary School. When I first became headteacher in the Autumn of 2016, the chair of governors was also new to her role.  Since then, Jenny Howard has been instrumental in responding to the needs of the school and she has been vital in ensuring improvements have been made. It is not an exaggeration to say that, without the support and guidance of Jenny, the school would not be in the position it is today. Alongside myself and Maxine Smith, she has helped drive up standards and ensure that Tudor Primary is a safe and successful school for all children that attend each day. I am delighted that her efforts have already been recognised at a county level with her award for ‘excellence in governance’ as this acknowledged the wonderful impact she has had with every ‘Tudorite’. Thank you again Jenny- we will miss your support!

See the source image

Our new chair of governors is Mr Dan Jones who has also been a key figure for Tudor over the past few years. Highly committed and always giving of his time to the school, I look forward to working alongside him and the rest of the board to ensure that Tudor provides the best in social and educational opportunities for all.

As a final point about our (awesome!) governing board at Tudor Primary, we have some spaces available for (non- parent) positions. Do you know any member of the local community who would be interested in using their expertise/ knowledge/ skills with the school? After all, we are stronger together!  

The Tudor E-Safety Event- do all that you can to attend (and keep your child safe)

It is vital to recognise that we never stop learning and, as parents, your ability to respond to the demands of the modern world is often tested. An area in which the pace of change is rather ‘out of control’ is that of E-Safety and our ability to help keep children safe online. As highlighted in previous correspondence, this is an area of challenge for the Tudor community and the school is keen to support as much as we can. As part of this, we have invested in providing some of the best support and training on offer in schools in addition to the specialist teaching your children will receive.

Next week the school is delivering the ‘Tudor E-Safety Event’ and all children will receive high quality guidance about being safe in this digital age. An important part of this event will be the parent meeting on Tuesday 24th September at 2pm. I cannot stress how important such a session is in which you will have the opportunity to ask questions as well as hear about the current issues that young children face (and how to help!). Make sure you sign up.

EnergyKidz after school club- it is now up and RUNNING!

See the source image

Feedback from the new after school club at Tudor Primary has been very positive. The range of activities that the children can access daily is really impressive and the children clearly have a super time. Numbers are increasing and more families are benefiting from the super provision that is now in place at Tudor Primary from 7.45am until 6pm EVERY day. The breakfast club continues to be fantastically popular and it is great to know EnergyKidz are providing high quality experiences after school too. At just over £10 per session (inc. buffet style healthy snacks/ food) it is super value.

After School Clubs- help us keep these successful and sustainable…

It is super to see the interest (and excitement) about the range of after school clubs that we now have on offer. Mr Higgins and the team have really offered a wide range of opportunities this term and we continue to pledge that these will remain affordable and at a quality that you should expect. All clubs are subsidised by the school and we are keen for as many children as possible to access such extra- curricular opportunities. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL CLUBS ARE PAID FOR BY FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER. By doing this you will help maintain the success of such clubs.

School Dinners- they REALLY are terrific at Tudor…

I enjoy being able to spend lunchtimes with the children at Tudor and those children who take advantage of the school meals service really do enjoy what is on offer.

School meals remain free for all children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 whilst school meals remain at £2.60 per meal for children in years 3,4,5 and 6. This is great value, especially when you consider the fact that it is very expensive (and difficult!) to make a healthy home packed lunch. Keep an eye out for some of the fun celebration menus that are being offered during the next few weeks. We have a ‘Harvest Celebration Menu’ on Thursday 26th September and a ‘Gourmet Burger Day’ on Thursday 3rd October.

Attendance is improving at Tudor- let’s all keep making the right choices…

Please be assured I will continue to focus on ensuring high levels of attendance for all those who are part of the Tudor community. We were all delighted to see some of the recent attendance scores.

Three separate classes achieved 100% attendance and nearly EVERY other class exceeded the school target of 97%. The overall attendance was 98%- wow! If this was maintained by the families of Tudor over the entire year that would really help ensure the children have the best chance to succeed. It would also set the right example for schooling and any future career your children choose…


My final piece of ‘news’ is about the ‘awesome-foursome’. A big well done to Miss Cosby, Miss Benjamin, Mrs Wash and Mrs Cohen who braved a 10km mud challenge in support of Cancer Research.

There really is no limit to what amazing things some members of #TeamTudor can do…

Mind you, even staff members as fantastic as this struggle to reunite school jumpers/ cardigans with children unless those items are named. I could not resist that… sorry ;)

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher