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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

The A-Z of Tudor 2018-19 (and more)...

What an awesome assembly it was on the final day of term. In addition to the prestigious Tudor Headteacher Awards, there were special goodbyes, attendance awards, a fun A-Z review of the year and even the announcement of a child who had reached a diamond merit award!

For the winners of the Summer Headteacher Awards, follow this link to our 'Celebrating Success' section of the website that shares this information.  These children were able to sit on the Velvet Tudor Thrones that are brought in especially for this prize giving each term. 

It was great to see so many 100% attendance certificates for the summer term. This really highlights a true commitment to education. Furthermore, to see the number of children that received an extra award for having 100% attendance for the WHOLE YEAR was also so pleasing. A huge well done to every child and family that achieved such perfection...

The A-Z of Tudor for 2018-2019 was also fun to read out. Some letters were easy to think of but it is only when you look over the complete year that you realise how much we have all done together! Here is the complete A-Z:


A-Z of Tudor Primary 2018-2019

A- Athletes! The Reception children won the athletics festival- what an amazing result!

B- Burgess- Tyler in Y6 has done so well. He has some of the highest progress scores in the country!

C- Caring… we now have a full time family support worker to support your wellbeing

D- Data Protection! GDPR… Provacy Notices… it’s not easy running a school with these new rules!

E- Excellence- this is what we have taken another step towards. You deserve the best!

F- Faber Farewell- what an awesome teacher she has been. Her new school are lucky to have her

G- Girls Football- the team of year 6 reached the Dacorum semi-finals- we were all so proud

H- Houston- Houston we certainly do NOT have a problem- what a super first year in the job!

I- Iskandar- she has been with us for 3 years- and we are sorry to see her go- we will miss her!

J- JCA- what fun for the children of year 6- not long now until year 5 are there themselves

K- Kings and queens- What a super summer Medieval day we had for Key Stage 1

L- Last Christmas- who can forget Year 6 children singing in December- or Miss Cohen’s dancing

M- Miss Manzie- What a wonderful first year for this teacher at Tudor- we are so lucky to have her.

N- NQTs- haven’t Miss Houston and Miss Manzie done really well! What a super start!

O- Outside learning- from Forest schools to the new equipment for Early Years- what fun!

P- Puddephatt- Our valued caretaker is off to experience something new- we will miss him!

Q- Quality writing is all around the school- you should all feel very proud!

R- Refurbished Early Years- Our first year with our brand new classrooms- what a super upgrade!

S- Skiing- we believe we are the ONLY school in the country to offer skiing as part of the curriculum

T- The Towers- we are very proud of the large activity centre on the field

U- Unbelievable progress to become a GOLD standard school in Sport.

V- Visits- We have had trips to Chessington, Verulanium and Windsor- we like to get out and about

W- Wilkie- He has taught year 2 for half of the year and he has made a super impact

X- X-cellent results from across the school- from super Reception scores to Year 6 SATs

Y- Yellow team- they were the successful team in our super sports day

Z- Zai Jian- we think this means goodbye in Chinese- we’ll miss you Miss Bell- enjoy Shanghai!


A massive well done to Klara in year 4 who achieved the fantastic milestone of the 'Diamond Merit Award'. Only a very few children have received this special badge and she should feel very proud.


As you know there has also been a few goodbyes to some staff members and all those moving on to new things (like jobs on the other side of the world!) were able to receive some special gifts.

They will always remain part of #TeamTudor... just like all the children that took part in this special assembly...

Enjoy your summer everybody.

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher