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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

A truly fantastic team for the best children around...

I am excited to be able to share with you the Tudor Teaching Team for next academic year.

As I mentioned in the newsletter last week, we are sad to say farewell to some valued members of staff but we are extremely pleased about the new teachers who are eager to make their mark in our school.

The staff have already been having meetings to help ensure the transition between year groups is smooth. Key information is obviously shared to enable all children to make the best possible start in their new classrooms.

(The brackets below highlight the current class they are in.)


Miss Pike


Red Class- Mrs Pamplin

Yellow Class- Miss Price

Year 1:

1O- Miss Foy (Yellow class)

 1P- Miss Adams (Red class)

Year 2:

2Q- Miss Cosby (1O)

2R- Miss Scott (1P)

Year 3:

3S- Miss Houston (2R)

3T- Miss Manzie (2Q)

Year 4:

4U- Miss Sentance (3T)

4V- Miss Grundy (3S)

Year 5:

5W- Miss McKenzie (4V)

5X- Mr Crowder (4U)

Year 6:

6Y- Mr Munro (5X)

6Z- Miss Cohen (5W)


Please be assured that all at Tudor will continue to work hard up until the final day of term and we encourage you to keep supporting the children with their learning over the summer.

Research shows that children who read regularly during the summer holidays make +1 month of progress and those who do not can move back 3 months.

Let's keep them moving forward into what will be another super year at Tudor Primary...