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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some news on the Tudor team for next year as well as other key items of news...


28th June

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We have to start by saying some goodbyes…

A staff of high quality is an absolute necessity if we are to continue improving as a school and, as I continue to say, we are fortunate to have the team that we have at Tudor. I am determined that we put the best teachers possible in front of your children each day and I am very proud of the growing reputation of our school. It is sad, though, to announce some departures from #TeamTudor and I am sure that you will give the following members of staff a fond farewell:

Mr Puddephatt has been a valued part of Tudor Primary for nearly 20 years. He would now like to try something a bit different and he is starting work for the local council in the near future.

Miss Bell is a popular teacher who is looking forward to sharing her talents with children on the other side of the world. She has accepted a teaching position in Shanghai and I am sure that this will prove to be an unforgettable experience. We know she will stay in touch!

Mrs Iskandar will be leaving us to follow her dream of becoming a special needs leader in a school. I have worked with her in different schools and I know she has enjoyed her time here!

Miss Faber has been a great teacher in reception class for the last two years and she has had a super impact at Tudor Primary since I appointed her. She has now found a leadership opportunity nearer to her home and I look forward to hearing of more success.

Mr Wilkie’s short time at Tudor will also be coming to an end. He has supported the children of 2Q well for the second half of this academic year.

I mentioned much earlier in the year about the new additions to the Tudor teaching team and, once again, it was of high importance that the school was able to identify talent early and ensure that the team next year will be a standard parents want (and expect!). I am highly confident that Mr Crowder, Miss Sentance and Miss Foy (who has already started!) will mean that we have a teaching team that is the envy of other primary schools- it certainly is a team that has the ability to continue (and enhance) our journey of success.

In the next newsletter I will inform all parents about the structure of the teaching team for 2019/20- I know that you will be very happy indeed about who will be teaching your children!

An update regarding the role of parents…and how to find about ‘Tudor News’…

It has been pleasing to hear overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents in regard to the item on the role of parents in the last newsletter. Success will always increase if there is clear partnership between the parent community and the school and I will aim to enhance that relationship as much as possible. If you do ever have questions, I remain fully committed to wanting to hear your views on how things could improve. Of course our views may differ: our positions are different! Parents are more inclined to see things from their child’s point of view but I have a duty to share (and protect) the collective views of over 440 children. No school is perfect but as my daily tours of the school (as well as my aspiration to be seen by every pupil, every day) means that I have good evidence for how our school is performing.  An unreliable source of information is ‘the playground grapevine’ – some of the ‘news’ about the school I hear via that is limited in factual evidence… and I would rather not even comment about the reliability of ‘FaceBook news’ other than the fact of how harmful it is to people’s wellbeing!

If you want to use our new after school club, please feel free to make a booking!

Tudor Primary School from September 2019 will have Tudor- based ‘wrap around’ care from 7.45am to 6pm- a major step forward for the school. Our breakfast club continues to be a real strength of the school and Energy-Kidz have high hopes for their club that is amazing value at just over £10 for nearly 3 hours- and that includes food too!

The booking service is now accessible at Once registered as a parent, you are able to log on and book any session for next year from September 2019 to July 2020!

PLEASE do NOT bring dogs onto school premises…

Can I please take this opportunity to remind you that there should be no dogs brought on to school premises. If you need to bring your dog to school, please ensure it is tied up securely away from the front entrance. This guidance also applies to dogs that can be carried too.

IMPORTANT DATES and things to remember!

Make sure you book your slot to receive your child’s end of year report at the summer term consultations. Booking is now open at

DO NOT put ‘www’ before the web address- this can cause the website to not load. 83% of parents have already booked a slot and, whilst that is quite impressive at this early stage, it means that about 50 children are yet to be represented - please make sure you attend so that you can receive your child’s end of year report. It’s a vital part of parent/ pupil engagement.

The Tudor Fete (or Summer Extravaganza!) is on Saturday 6th July. As many of you will recall, this was a truly amazing event last year and you are sure to want to come again this year- keep your diaries clear to have fun and support the school…

Sports Day- please make sure you read the sports day letter that was sent to parents this week. This will highlight important information for this super event that is taking place on Friday 12th July. Parents are able to access the site from 9.45am (this will allow the activities to be set up).

Class Photos- You should have received the order details for your child’s class photo. If you want to purchase any prints via the office, make sure your order is in by Tuesday 2nd July. You can order online after this date though but you will have to pay added postage.


Whilst we only have a few weeks left for this academic year it is sure to be a rewarding time in school. We pledge to ensure that every day will make a difference and staff continue to deliver highly engaging and valuable learning opportunities.


We remain frustrated that a number of families continue to insist on removing their children for holidays despite the close proximity of a further 6 weeks out of school. I recognise prices for holidays are lower but the right for a child to an education far exceeds the ‘right to a holiday’- evidence clearly shows that even short periods of time out of school have a negative impact on progress and a child’s confidence in their learning.

Our end of term is at 2pm on Friday 19th July- let’s give our all right up until that time. Thanks in advance for your support…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher