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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Keep up to date with 'Tudor News'- After School Club info too...

NEWSLETTER 15- Friday 10th May

Dear Parents/ Carers,

An opportunity to find out how well the children are progressing

I would like to start this newsletter by wishing all the children well in this next period at school when many will be completing their SAT assessments- children in year 2 and year 6 will be completing their ‘SATs’ and I am sure the outcomes will be further evidence for how we are progressing as a school. Good luck Tudorites!

There are obviously many different views on the use of testing in schools. During the 20+ years I have spent (so far) in primary education, there has always been SAT tests and I do not believe there is an intention to reduce the use of them in schools any time soon. As headteacher, therefore, I have a duty to ensure that they are administered in the correct way as well as understand how they impact the children at Tudor. I am confident in sharing that I am committed to ensuring that testing (and the subsequent results) do not become the key driver in how we organise the learning and curriculum to the children. Be assured that when I walk around the school I do not see children completing test after test in the hope that we squeeze every single mark out of them- after all, school is about the enjoyment of learning!

A ‘Tudor After School Club’- an(other) big step forward in regards to the provision we offer?

It is our aim to provide a Tudor-based after school club from September 2019. EnergyKidz is a national company and they are seeking the views of parents to gauge whether there is sufficient interest in setting up a daily club that would be based in the school hall. This provision would be offered until 6pm every day and it would include a range of fun activities as well as buffet style food. Whilst not delivered by the school itself, EnergyKidz is an Ofsted registered provider who have a strong reputation in after school care. Parents would be able to pay online and you would even have the option of booking a place up until 2.30pm on the day you need. If we were to try and run such a club ourselves, we would find it difficult to meet such a standard. Please use the following link to help us gauge the level of interest:

There is additional information on this website (see link below) as well as links to seek further information on EnergyKidz. If such a provision may be of use to you, do complete the survey as this can help shape what could be in place in September.  

I remain very proud of the breakfast provision that the staff of Tudor Primary offers. I often mention how I believe the club supports families and helps set the children up for a super day in school. We continue to heavily subsidise the costs for our breakfast provision and the impact has been great. It has helped raise attendance and I know that families appreciate this ‘early morning’ support. The ‘next goal’ was always to introduce a similar provision at the end of the school day- we hope that we have found a solution that will meet your expectations.

The Tudor Activity Centre

The build for the Tudor activity centre has started! Be assured that the construction area will be clearly marked and this will not affect the school drop offs in any way. If you know of any companies that would like to sponsor the apparatus that will be a focal point of the children’s enjoyment for the next 20 years+ then we would love to hear from you. The photo to the right shows another view of what is in store…

PLEASE get your child to school on time…

As part of your parental responsibility, please do all you can to make sure your child is ready to start the day at the right time- doors open at 8.45am and registration is at 8.55am. Those 5 mornings of 10 minutes learning support each day can make a lot of difference in helping build confidence! Despite a small minority of parents who still insist on removing their children from school for term time holidays, the overall attendance picture at Tudor remains stronger that it has ever been. It was great to offer free tickets for the county show to those children who have 100% for the complete year so far- and there are lots of children in that position! I will continue to have the highest aspirations for the academic and social success for all the children here and I trust the contents of this (and other newsletters) share our passion for helping each child reach their potential.

Fun Fundraising…

The next school quiz night will be taking place next Friday on the 17th May. We hope that as many of you as possible are able to enjoy the evening and help raise more funds for our super school. The work of the Friends of Tudor is vital in supporting what we offer at school.

On Monday 20th May and Tuesday 21st May we will be holding a school book fair. This will take place in the dining hall between 3.15 and 4.00. A leaflet has also been sent home in school bookbags. We continue to make huge investments in the quality (and quantity)of high quality reading material at Tudor Primary and any books you purchase at the book fair can also help the school to raise further funds in the support of reading.   

Skiing to success!


I was rather proud to see over 50 year 5 children take to the slopes for their first ski lesson this week. I do not know of another single state school (in the UK!) that has skiing as part of the curriculum and I hope that this is the start of a long link with the snow centre. To see the smiles (and shrieks!) on the children’s faces as they skied (and fell!) on the snow was awesome. Thanks to all the parents in year 5 who have been supportive in helping this soar…


To conclude this newsletter, I remain confident that the children enjoy a diet of fun learning experiences that will enable them to meet my core aspiration for every child at Tudor: for each child to enjoy their time in school and to leave here as an independent lover of learning. If we are successful here, we really do set the children up for life…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher