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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

MAY the learning (and fun) be with you...

It has been a fun start to the term and the work that the children are already producing is really pleasing to see. I often say in newsletters that we are really fortunate to have the teaching team in place that we do and I believe that even more when I see how the staff work together to create the inspiring learning environments for each new theme. As soon as the children returned last week, they were engaged with super learning activities and there was certainly no wasted time. Maintaining our energy as a school is key in making sure we remain on the front foot- and we will not be slowing down in this final term of the academic year. If anything, we will be maximising the impact of all the hard work that has gone in so far...

Next Wednesday will see the start of the build for the new Tudor Activity Centre on the mound at the back of the school. Setter Play are a Hertfordshire based company that has a fantastic reputation in delivering high quality play equipment to schools. When I tell you that the project at Tudor will be the largest they have ever planned for a primary school highlights how we continue to think BIG for the children in our care. When the structure nears completion in a few weeks I will provide more information on how we plan to introduce it to children- I am sure you can imagine the potential 'chaos' if we just said to all the children, 'Off you go!'. As part of this we may also be providing opportunities for families to use it at the end of school on a donation basis to help raise more funds for the school. It really will be a super feature for many years to come. The opportunities for physical development have been transformed over the past few years and I really believe we are becoming a school that leads the way in this vital part of children's education.

In relation to the above, our year 5 trial to introduce skiing to the Tudor curriculum will commence  next Thursday. Over 50 children will be now be taking to the slopes at the Hemel Snow Centre as a part of their PE provision and I know that they incredibly excited. I hope that this trial proves a success so that we can fully introduce it into our curriculum during the theme of 'Extreme Environments'.

Another step forward for Tudor took place last week with the introduction of FOREST SCHOOLS for a number of children in lower key stage 2. Boxmoor Trust will be delivering a fun packed series of outdoor learning activities and I am sure the children will relish this time outside. Kezia clearly enjoyed being able to make 'tree faces' last week:

Parents in Early Years may notice some changes to the outside area at the moment. After the major investment in the classrooms, we have now turned our attention to the outside space. The new 'child-accessible' sheds and resources will ensure the children are enthused and stimulated during times when in the open air. Can I take this moment to request that parents ensure their children do not interfere with the resources before and after school.

Learning is really flying in this part of the school with our youngest learners. The EYFS team continue to work really well together and the progress in standards with our youngest children is super. It has not just been the space that has been enhanced in the recent past- the opportunities for the children have been transformed too. County advisors have certainly been impressed with what has been going on. Well done to Miss Price, Miss Faber, Miss Umney and the Early Years team.

After all, all at Tudor aim to make sure that every moment for every one of the children in our care is of a standard that you should expect!

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing all the children again on Tuesday 7th May...