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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Our challenge in 2019 in Hertfordshire is to increase daily physical activity especially in our young people. Children and adolescents should have 60 mins (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily for their wellbeing. Please support your child/children to participate in your school’s Walk to School Week.

We would like to encourage all our pupils to try to walk, cycle or scoot to school during this week. It is not always possible to walk all the way, so it would then be great if you could park ten minutes away from school and walk or scoot the last part of your journey.

Each class will have a poster of Hertfordshire showing the range of different sporting and leisure opportunities around the county to take part in. Every time a pupil travels actively to school, a sticker will go on to the poster. The aim is to take a virtual walk around the county helping Buster the walking dinosaur mascot to discover new opportunities to be more active.

We all know the health benefits of walking, so please help us this week to reduce congestion, support children to be more active and lower carbon emissions during Walk to School Week and onwards.

Following on from Walk to School Week we will be encouraging you to continue walking, scooting and cycling to school supporting Clean Air Day on June 20th 2019.  Do take a look at the attached leaflet for ideas on where to go.

Thank you in advance for your support with this.