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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

A final web update for the Spring term

As I write this final web update for the Spring term I must say that it has been a super period in school. As recognised by our county advisor as well as more external schools, we are really showing the strengths of our curriculum. The work that the children are producing has been super and there is always a steady stream of children heading to my room to share their fantastic outcomes. The teaching team must take special praise: as well as teaching the lessons, they are becoming highly competent at creating stimulating learning environments that excite and inspire your children. The modelling and sharing of such standards was something I was determined to bring to Tudor and I firmly believe we have a team that fully understand the importance of this- they naturally seek ways to make the learning even better and more memorable.

Driving forward...

As one term ends and another approaches, the teachers are busy planning to try and create their new classroom environments and it will not be long before the children are transported to new historical and/ or creative lands. The impact on the children's outcomes should not be underestimated either- the progress that the children are making is really pleasing and we continue to aim high for every child in our care. It is fair to say that this is not always an easy process- those difficult conversations with families are usually our most important ones to have. Whether it is about attendance or holding a dialogue about the duty of care to children, be assured that any decision we make at Tudor will always have the child's interests at heart- however difficult that conversation (or decision) may be. 

A fun final day!

I look forward to giving out the HUGE amount of 100% attendance certificates as well as the awards to the recipients of the 'Headteacher Award' in the final assembly this week. As well as that, the children will be able to take part in our school quiz: 'Your first record was WHAT?' The teachers have been secretly sharing the first ever music singles they ever bought- believe me when I say that there are some strange (and quite frankly hilarious) musical choices. Mind you, the hardest part of the game show will be describing what a 7 inch single or an LP is to children of 11 and under... 

Making Tudor stand OUT!

I know that some of those 'extras' that have been highlighted recently have been popular. Surprise 'animal workshops' as well as skiing lessons and forest school opportunities can really provide those extra magical ingredients and Tudor will continue to be forward thinking in our provision. I know the year 6 girls football team will also look back on their 'cup journey' with a real sense of pride and satisfaction- we know that losing in the semi final on penalties is tough but I know that they enjoyed every second of representing their school...

Talking of sport, do have a look at our Tudor Talents section of this website. We have a super talented ice dancer in year 6 who would really appreciate a local company to sponsor her. As well as coming to school with a big smile on her face, she trains for over 13 hours a week and she is now experiencing national recognition. Can anyone out there support with one of our members of  #TeamTudor? Who knows- a local company's logo could reach far and wide on the back of this young talent.

Looking forward...

There is no doubt that the summer term brings its own set of challenges. It is sure to be busy (and enjoyable!) but there is so much to get through. The children are now fully settled and flying in class and it is a term that brings great progress. Add in all that the summer brings (such as end of year assessments, sports days and celebrations), it will be an important time in school but one that is sure to fly past.

After all, time flies when you're having fun at Tudor...  

Have an enjoyable and safe break. See you all on Wednesday 24th April.
