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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Keeping up to date with everything at Tudor Primary...

Newsletter 13

Friday 29th March

Building the reputation of Tudor…

It was really pleasing to receive a fantastic review from county recently and we continue to seek ways to enhance and develop our provision. Our county advisor has recognised the strength of our Tudor Thematic Curriculum and we have been asked to share our approaches with other schools. Our main aim continues to be to inspire and excite the children each day.

To highlight how we continue to enhance the curriculum, we are thrilled to announce that skiing will soon be a part of what Tudor offers. By working in partnership with Hemel Ski Centre, we will be offering regular ski coaching when years 5 and 6 learn about ‘Extreme Environments’.

See the source image

Our latest Tudor learning environment...

We really believe the children will love this opportunity and we start our 7-week trial of this at Tudor in the summer term with year 5. How cool is that…

In addition to skiing on the snow, ‘Forest Schools’ will be starting soon for a number of children in year 3 and year 4. Mrs Donley has been able to find a fantastic provider of outdoor learning and I look forward to sharing you more about the impact this will have. 

Attendance- let’s keep making the right choices for children

The school has made big strides forward this year in regard to attendance and it is pleasing that we are starting to see levels of attendance that demonstrate a true commitment to education from more families than ever before. The school continues to work alongside our attendance improvement officer and the number of term time holidays remains a concern. For example, talking an extended break around the Easter break can mean that children are out of education for 4-5 weeks at a key point of the year. There is a great deal of research that highlights the negative impact of such choices.

Well done to the huge number of children that will achieve the 100% attendance award at our special assembly on the final day of the term. Keep an eye on the website too for the next winners of the Headteacher Award- each teacher has been sending me their nominations.

Local roadworks- Deaconsfield Road- 1st April to 3rd April

Be aware that there will be road resurfacing works on Deaconsfield Road from Monday to Wednesday next week. You may want to consider parking further away and/ or walking to school in the sunshine that we are experiencing at the moment.

The Tudor Activity Centre

The Tudor activity centre should be completed by the middle of May. This is sure to be a super step forward for the school. If you know of any companies that would like to sponsor the apparatus that will be a focal point of the children’s enjoyment for the next 20 years+ then we would love to hear from you. The photo above shows another view of what is soon to arrive!

The Tudor Book Day- pyjama-tastic

The children had a fun day in their pyjamas last Friday. The Tudor Book Day is always a popular event and I know they enjoyed the range of activities that took place during the day. Thank you for your support with everything ‘book and reading- related’.

Bee-Zee Bodies- Healthy lifestyle classes

Bee-Zee Bodies is a community interest company funded by Hertfordshire County Council to provide healthy lifestyle classes for children and their families.  They work with school nurses across the county who conduct the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) within schools. The next set of lifestyle classes are due to start at the end of April. They will run on a Wednesday night at The South Hill Primary School, Hemel Hempstead, starting on the 24th April. These classes are free to attend and they can really help make positive changes in lifestyle and wellbeing.

Our breakfast club continues to be popular- we are keen to support you…

Our Breakfast Club is building a great reputation. Along with our year 6 breakfast provision, it is not unusual to have about 80 children in school well before the ‘official’ opening of the doors at 8.45am. Relating to the start of the day, do try to ensure your children are able to benefit from the learning activities that Tudor provides from when the doors open at 8.45am. If your child is able to be at school from this point, it will mean that they can benefit from an additional 50 minutes of school a week. That’s 2000 minutes per school year!

Summer after school clubs- return the forms to register your interest!

If you would like your children to attend any of the after school activities during the summer term, please return the forms by 9am on the last day of term. We continue to heavily subsidise such opportunities and we hope that there is something of interest to everyone!

School Meals are increasing in price a little- now £2.60

Our super school meals (that are popular with children and staff alike) are increasing in price to £2.60. School meals must be paid for in advance and this is easily done online. The new menus for the Summer term are out now and I would encourage as many children as possible to take up this option for their meals at school. As a parent myself I recognise how expensive (and unhealthy) packed lunches can be. Do help/guide your children to make the right choice!

Please remember that school closes for the school holidays at 2pm next Friday. In the meantime, the FOT bingo night is tonight! (29th March). Bring your friends along and pay on the door. It is a fun experience and you can help raise funds for our school at the same time…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher