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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Keep up to date with the latest school news!  

Newsletter 12- Friday 15th March

Dear Parents/ Carers,

A successful mid-year review from county…

I would like to say a big well done to the staff team at Tudor following a highly successful county review of the school’s performance. The mid-year review is one of the key activities that the county does for each school and it is great to see that the school’s hard work is being recognised. Some key headlines from the report include:

‘The curriculum is a strength and a key driver in engaging pupils in their learning’

‘Development of staff has been key to the improvements to teaching and to pupil outcomes’

‘Positive attitudes to learning were seen throughout the visit’

‘Pupils respond thoughtfully to teacher feedback’

We continue to refine and improve our provision at Tudor and I look forward to sharing more positive news in the future. The best thing about teaching, though, is when the children show you how much they have improved. A very clear example of this occurred this week when Sonnie came to show me his writing. I was very impressed with the quality and quantity of his writing but when I compared it with his efforts from earlier in the year I was astounded.

The pictures above highlight the difference 100 school days at school can make. Well done Sonnie!

Furthermore, there are so many examples of impact like this. Mrs Adams sent some children to my room this week to share their stories about travelling in a space ship. To think these writers are still in Key Stage 1!

If you want to find out who these amazing Tudor authors are, have a look at our Tudor Twitter!

The difference each day makes…

I trust that the good news stories about children’s progress demonstrates why attending each day at school is vital. To see the difference in the work of our young learners in a fairly short period of time really does highlight why a true commitment to your child’s education can help make a huge impact. We must continue to work together to ensure children have every opportunity to succeed at school and in later life…

An activity play centre that the children deserve!

I am thrilled to share the chosen design for the activity play centre that will be soon be built for the children of our school.

The installation of the apparatus (and safety flooring) will commence early in the summer term and it is likely to take three weeks. The children will enjoy seeing it grow! The activity centre will have a range of challenges and children of all ages will benefit from this new addition to the Tudor site. The activity apparatus and the surfacing around it will dramatically increase the amount of space for children to play on throughout the year.

I have highlighted on previous newsletters that we are keen to source additional sponsorship for the activity centre. If you know of any companies that would like to sponsor the apparatus that will be a focal point of the children’s enjoyment for the next 20 years+ then we would love to hear from you.

Fun with the fabulous ‘Friends of Tudor’….

It was super to see so many children having a great time at the school discos last week when the children put the staff to shame with their awesome dance moves. A big thank you to the FOT for organising this popular event. The next event is the FOT Bingo Night which is at 7.30pm on Friday 29th March. Please try to support the FOT so that they can help deliver even more amazing developments to the children and community of Tudor Primary.

The Tudor Book Day- Friday 22nd March

The 2019 Tudor Book Day is next Friday. A number of fun book related activities and competitions will take place and the children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas. Teachers are looking forward to sharing some stories with different classes- it is sure to be fun!   

Our breakfast club continues to be popular- please book online

I continue to be impressed with the provision that the Tudor breakfast club offers each morning. The smiling faces of the children who attend each day really show how much fun they have. If any parents would like to view how the breakfast club works, then do please contact the school office to make an appointment for a visit- it really is super value! For those booking the breakfast club, please ensure that you book online in advance using the school gateway app so that we can order food and staff the club accordingly.

With the photos of work, plans for the future and pictures of children’s progress, the newsletter is a little more visual today. However, I trust it shows a few of the things that help make Tudor Primary a special place to visit each day…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher