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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor News as we approach the half way point of the academic year...

Newsletter 9

Friday 25th January 2019

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We have just completed our Spring term assessments…

The mid-point of any academic year is obviously an important period to evaluate how things are progressing. Whilst there are a number of school evaluation activities that we complete (and this includes meetings about progress/ discussions how best to meet the needs of different children/ families), the teaching team presented some assessment activities to the children this week. Such assessments can create some worry or concern but, as we are evidencing more and more, it is an exciting and rewarding experience when you see how well the children are responding. I have lost count of the number of times I have heard a teacher sharing their elation on how a child/ group/ class has performed. Teachers, by nature, always question what they are doing and when they are able to see the impact of their efforts, the whoops of delight can be heard around the school!

Another positive moment occurred this week when Tommy from Yellow class came to see me. The ‘cauldron and spell- making’ area of the classroom had clearly inspired him to make a spell of some interesting ingredients. The development in his independent writing has astounded Miss Price- well done Tommy. I do not know where he is going to get those googly eyes he needs for his potion though…

Some changes to the Tudor teaching team

Whilst she will remain part of #TeamTudor as a member of the school governing board, Mrs Rogers has decided to make a career- change and she will be leaving the teaching team at the end of this half term. We wish her all the best in her new workplace. In a previous newsletter I introduced Mr Wilkie to the school community and I am sure that this appointment makes much more sense now! Mr Wilkie is really looking forward to being the teacher of 2Q and I know that the children will enjoy their time with him.  

Plans that are TRULY exciting- but how quickly can we deliver them?

Ever since I arrived at Tudor Primary I felt that the school lacked high quality opportunities for children when outside. I immediately recognised that the playground spaces for the children were rather barren and, since 2016, we have invested a lot in ensuring active breaktimes as well as providing additional adult support. For example, Mr Higgins and Mr Lewis are always on hand to lead games and sports as well as introduce fun play resources.

To really give breaktimes a WOW factor, I have been in extended consultation with a number of play equipment companies. Our vision is to deliver a magnificent activity play centre on the top of the mound that is next to the main playground. This will have the added advantage of increasing the space for children to play all year by over 50%. As shown by the super hall development as well as the Early Years refurbishment, I want to ensure any development is something that will exceed expectation and be a super selling point of the school.

Such plans, though, do not come cheap- especially if they are done properly. Whilst the school and Friends of Tudor have set aside funds to pay for the vast majority of the plans, we are still seeking some additional sponsorship/ funding. If anyone in our community is aware of companies that would be interested in sponsoring such a Tudor project, do get in contact with the school. Going by the potential plans that have been designed for the school, I am sure that you will be amazed at what the future could bring for Tudor… 

Talking of being prepared for the future…

Interest in Tudor continues to grow and, as mentioned on previous newsletters, there has been a continued growth in tours requested by prospective parents. Earlier this week, we discovered that there have already been 192 applications for reception places next year and, of these, nearly 100 were first choices. Wow! #TeamTudor!

PE kit- being prepared for school!

Mr Higgins would like to highlight some concerns about PE kit at the moment- most notably around footwear. EVERY child must have a complete PE kit which includes a separate pair of plimsolls or trainers (NOT their ‘main’ school shoes). Please make sure that your child has the appropriate uniform- for all points in the day.

Warm Clothing- being prepared for all weathers…

The temperatures have been quite low recently and we even had our first flurry of snow. Please ensure that your child has a warm coat (and gloves/ scarf if possible) each day. Please be assured we do (when required) walk around and remind the children to actually put them on! It is always around this time of the year when our pile of lost property starts to increase in size. If clothes are clearly named/ labelled then they are likely to find their way back to the right child.

In respect of potential closures due to snow, I continue to pledge that the site team will work hard to ensure that Tudor is a school that remains open (and safe) as much as it can. We have vastly increased (and improved) the methods of communication and parents will be fully informed. The website and school twitter page should be the first place to look- not FaceBook ;) 

Speaking of important communication: Parent Consultations on 12th and 14th February

The online booking system for our Spring consultations is open. To book your time of choice visit: DO NOT put ‘www’ before the web address- this can cause the website to not load. If you require any support to book your appointments, do visit the school office- we hope to see every child represented at the meetings as they are a vital aspect of the partnership that we require to ensure children are successful in their schooling. You will also be able to receive your child’s mid-year report.


What with the news on the super progress the children are making as well as the high interest in Tudor Primary for the future, I hope you have enjoyed reading this latest newsletter.

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher