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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Important news for the start of the year...

Newsletter 8

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Exciting times for the new year…

First of all, I must wish all of the Tudor community a ‘Happy New Year’. I trust that you all had an enjoyable break and you were able to enjoy the festivities that the end of the year brings. Tudor Primary should look back on 2018 with a lot of pride - it was certainly a year that was full of exciting things and I am not sure that we will see another one quite like it. From major building projects such as the hall extension and the Early Years refurbishment to the amazing events including the Tudor beach day, visits from world champions and the phenomenal summer fete, it really was a busy, yet rewarding, year.

I am a firm believer that the children of Tudor continue to do extremely well socially (EVERY visitor comments on how well behaved and engaged they are) but the academic outcomes of the children have enthralled us recently. The teaching team that we have at Tudor are an extremely creative and committed bunch and you only have to look at the classrooms that have been ‘prepared’ for the children this Spring term for evidence of this. It is all about inspiring the children to be the best they can be and I know that the children will enjoy what is in store this term. The themes for this term are:

Early Years- Magic and Fairy Tales

KS1- Planes, Trains and Automobiles

LKS2- Up Pompeii

UKS2- Spaceship Earth

It really does impress prospective parents on tours when they are walking into rooms that ‘transport’ you to another time or place- on earth or inter-galactic! Check out the door for 5W on the right- when you get inside the ‘space-lock’, the stars are even shining and glinting in the room!

Opposite this room, there is an erupting Mount Vesuvius on the wall ‘welcoming’ the children to theme. The new curriculum that I introduced to Tudor has really been taken on by the teachers and I know the children really enjoy how their learning is presented to them. If you would like to read more about our ‘Tudor Thematic Curriculum’, do look at our website.

This term sees the arrival (and return) of some super members of staff. Mr Wilkie has joined our teaching team and Miss Reading will also be back in school shortly. #TeamTudor

Attendance results for the Autumn term- we are on the way UP!

A newsletter would not be the same without my reminder about the importance of attendance. Last term saw a real improvement with our attendance levels and I am very proud of how we work closely with families to ensure that their children benefit from school every day. The overall attendance percentage for the complete Autumn term was 96.4%. That represents a good increase for the same period in 2017- if we achieve the target of 97% that would really show how well Tudor Primary is doing. Please do all that you can to make sure that your children are in school every day- it really does increase their outcomes- in school and in later life…

Healthy lunches, healthy lives…

I do enjoy being able to regularly sit with the children during lunch time. This is a positive experience as I am able to chat with the children to see how they are enjoying school. During this time though, it does surprise me to see the numbers of children who choose to have a packed lunch (especially in EYFS and KS1 when it’s free!)- as a parent I know how difficult it is to create a healthy packed lunch (not taking into account the cost!) and to see the number of sugared spreads, snack bars & crisps being consumed each day by our youngest children is a concern. I have worked in a number of schools and I can say that the food on offer at Tudor is super- there are many options and there really is something for everyone. It helps children understand the importance of trying new things too. Do consider if allowing your child to choose themselves is the right decision- it is unlikely they have the full understanding!

I trust that the above comes across in the right way as it would be fantastic if all children benefitted from freshly prepared food each day. And talking of decisions around food…

The end of the ‘Tudor Owls Cake Sale’- new approaches around the corner…

You may have noticed that the date for the next cake sale is not on this letter. That is because, following feedback from a number of staff (and parents) that the decision has been made to cease the cake and biscuit sales that Tudor offered every second Friday. From it being hard to deliver and organise (as a larger school), to modelling the right values of what children should be eating as well as monitoring the ingredients, it was a fairly easy decision to make.  

HOWEVER, we believe we have something even better in store and without giving too much away at this point, the refreshing replacement will certainly prove popular…

PE kit- being prepared for school!

Mr Higgins would like to highlight some concerns about PE kit at the moment- most notably around footwear. EVERY child must have a complete PE kit which includes a separate pair of plimsolls or trainers (NOT their ‘main’ school shoes). Please make sure that your child has the appropriate uniform- for all points in the day.

We’re approaching half way… Parent Consultations on 12th and 14th February

The online booking system for our Spring consultations will be open shortly. During this appointment (either the 12th or 14th February), you will be given your child’s mid-year report- this is an important point of the year as it will share key next steps for your child’s development.

To book your time of choice visit: DO NOT put ‘www’ before the web address- this can cause the website to not load. If you require any support to book your appointments, do visit the school office- we hope to see every child represented at the meetings as they are a vital aspect of the partnership that we require to ensure children are successful in their schooling.

Friends of Tudor Meeting

The next Friends of Tudor meeting is Tuesday 15th January at 7.30pm in the school staff room. Our wonderful PTA are starting to plan the events for 2019, so come along or get in touch with any ideas you may have!

I started this newsletter by sharing the successes of our previous 12 months. We look forward to driving the success of Tudor Primary even further forward in 2019…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher