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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

SPRINGing into the new term...

Whilst we obviously enjoy the holiday periods, it really is exciting to be back in school and it was super to see the children's happy faces this week. The staff completed INSET training last week so that we could all return on the Monday of this week. The spring term is shorter than the Autumn term and we have lots to get through.

As you know, Tudor organises the curriculum through a cross curricular thematic map. The new themes are sure to inspire the children. The themes for this term are:

Key Stage 1- Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Lower Key Stage 2- Up Pompeii

Upper Key Stage 2- Spaceship Earth 

The teachers have already planned some amazing learning experiences for the children and the classrooms have all been prepared to help 'transport' the children to differnt places- on this earth and beyond!

We look forward to sharing the amazing outcomes that the children produce...

Let's really go for it TUDOR!
