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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

A time to say some special congratulations!

The Tudor Headteacher's Award

At the end of each term, each classteacher chooses two children from their class for the 'Headteacher's Award'.

In a special assembly,  the classteachers share the 'story behind their success' with all the children in school. The child also receives a special certificate to commemorate the achievement.

Their name is then added to the 'Tudor Primary Roll of Honour' which can be found following his link.

Roll of Honour 2018 - 2019

Autumn 2018


Jana K - Has made so much progress since joining us in Reception. Jana speaks both Latvian and Russian fluently at home and has really shown her personality recently making so many friends and beginning to speak with more structure each day!

Anthony C - A lovely, bubbly and friendly child within Red class. Anthony is always making time for those around him and never fails to surprise us with a new fact that he has learnt. Well done Anthony you have made so much progress, keep it up.

Jasmine Michie - For being a super Tudor role model to her friends. Jasmine is ALWAYS happy, kind and caring to everyone. She tries her best everyday and is so eager to please and extend her learning further! Well done!

William Southcott - For his huge transformation when starting in reception. Every aspect of William has improved, from his listening, behaviour, attitude to learning, kindness, but in particular his writing!

Year 1

Hannah S S-M  - Hannah is a helpful, polite and caring member of the class who tries her hardest and consistently produces high quality work in all areas. 

Ellie- May M - Ellie-May's self-confidence has flourished and she has become a much more independent learner. She is beginning to face challenges with a positive 'can-do' attitude and always gives a task a go before asking for help. 

Molly C- Molly has shown us the real meaning of the word determination!  She has made the saying 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again' her own and her improved phonics and reading are a direct result of her sheer hard work, persistence and practice. 

Zico M-  A fantastic role model when it comes to working hard independently.  He is focused, takes pride in his work and never afraid to ask for help when he needs it - this is a winning combination for success!

Year 2

Sonnie Y - After a slightly wobbly start to the year, Sonnie has put in significant effort into increasing his efforts and attainment. Sonnie is capable of brilliant things and its a pleasure to see him now allowing himself to achieve them.

Jude R - For always trying her hardest both in her studies and her wider school life. Jude embraces challenge and does her best to always help those around her when they need it.

Adelaide M- She always perseveres as much as she can in whatever she does. Her smile and sense of humour brightens all our days. She has progressed so much this term and wows us with her ideas. Well done Adelaide! 

Imogen A- Imogen listens well and gives her learning everything she has. Enthusiasm beams out of her and she can't wait to answer class questions or share work she's proud of. Well done Imogen and keep up the great learning attitude!

Year 3

Temidire E - works hard in all areas of the curriculum and shows a real enthusiasm for his learning. Temidire faces every challenge with a hard working attitude, and is always willing to improve and extend his learning.

Mia H - Mia has been a valuable member of the class, finding time to help others when she can and sharing her knowledge with others. She is a very thoughtful and kind member of the class, always considering other before herself.

Zanam K – for her amazing progress and hard work in all subjects since starting in year 3


Kaiden G – for his hard work and fantastic attitude to learning this term

Year 4

Rozina A - Rozina is a really cheerful and enthusiastic member of the class.  She has a consistently positive attitude and tries her very best in everything that she does. 

George C - George has worked really hard all term.  He can always be relied upon to listen carefully and puts a great deal of care and effort into all of his work.

Danny McC- Danny has gained a more positive approach to learning this term. He is trying harder in all areas on learning. He is especially showing big improvements with his maths and is beginning to work much harder on his handwriting and writing skills.

Alishya H - She doesn't always find tasks easy but gives 100% effort in everything she does. She is now achieving 10/10 in her weekly spelling tests and is trying extra hard to improve her writing.  

Year 5

Darius O-  Darius is becoming the best independent, intelligent learner he can- this has lead to an increase in his confidence in class and his ability to work at a pace that is challenging but achievable.


Maddie K-  Maddie has tried her best to listen, ask for help and take an any advice she is  given and her drive to do the best for herself is always evident. When others do well, Maddie congratulates them and is a key motivator in class. 


Louise B- For being an outstanding member of 5W. She puts 110% into absolutely everything she does and is always looking for ways to challenge and stretch herself. Louise consistently shows her values around school, is incredibly thoughtful, and her behaviour is exceptional. She is a perfect example of a Tudor Primary School role model!


Ryan C-J- For his consistent hard work this term in both reading and maths. Ryan has been thrown a lot of challenging independent tasks this year and has maintained a positive can-do attitude throughout every one of them. Ryan has really proved that when he puts his mind to it, he can achieve anything!

Year 6

Lucy-May S - For having a newly focused and positive attitude towards school. This is shown through her developing love of reading and her tremendous progress in Maths.

Johan Jacob A - for always setting a magnificent example with his behavior and attitude towards others. He constantly sees the positive and has also made fantastic progress in maths this term.

Ollie L – For always being so kind, caring and understanding to every member of the class. Everyday he comes in with a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude and a smile on his face. He is a fantastically positive energy to have in the classroom. Well done Ollie!


Joseph S – For consistently being a committed and conscientious role model. He has very high standards for himself and always completes his work to a very high standard. His homework is always in on time and he challenges himself in everything he does. Keep it up Joseph!