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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Children just have the BEST ideas...

So much festive fun has been going on in this school of ours over the past week. As part of our rewards for increased attendance, a (large) number of children were invited for to some festive 'Hot Chocolate Parties' this afternoon.

Some of the rates of attendance for the children had increased by over 10%. That is amazing!

The children were able to enjoy some hot chocolate and some chocolate biscuits too. We all chatted about how things were going in school and, as part of this, children were invited to sit in the Headteacher's chair.

It wasn't just to see how comfortable it was: they were asked to share ideas about how they would improve the school even further. 

Responses included:

Maryam- 'I want all the chairs to be spinny chairs like this one!'

Mya- 'I want us to do even more maths!'

Jessica- 'I would like to see some inspirational quotes put on the school walls'

Jack- 'I love art and I want to do more of it!'

Jessica- 'Can we have more fund-raisers like school fetes'

Joe- 'Can we have more hot chocolate parties like this'

Joseph- 'I love it when  we do computing'

Toprak- 'Spelling Shed is fun'

They also said lots of things they wanted to keep the same:

'I love it that I have lots of friends'

'We have the best teachers!'

'I love learning new things'

'I love writing stories'

'All the lessons have been fun- especially in maths'

'We have strict, but fair, teachers'

It was certainly a fun afternoon for the children who came to my office and whilst it was rather 'calorific', it was also great to spend time with them and hear their ideas. 

Well done to all of them!

For those MANY children who continue to have perfect attendance I look forward to sharing some amazing rewards that we have currently organising.
