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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

A number of important news items to share with our school community...

Newsletter 7- Friday 7th December 2018

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Sharing those positive news stories…

Newsletters are a vital tool to help keep you up to date with life at Tudor and I trust that you use them to find out about key dates and news items. I also hope that you enjoy finding out about the range of things that are going on in school and it is pleasing to continue to share how Tudor does those ‘extra things’ that make school special for the children that attend each day.

To hear how the School Maths Team have represented Tudor is really great. The 4 pupils in year 6 (Abira, Dina, Aleena and Aarna) were excited to hear how they were successful in the first round and they are now awaiting to hear the results from the second round. We are hopeful for a positive outcome and that would mean Tudor Primary being represented at the finals at Cambridge University. How amazing would that be…

Miss Beck has had a phenomenal impact since she joined our team at the end of the summer term last year. Therefore, it is a real shame that we will be losing her (for a period) when she travels to Australia in January. We do, though, look forward to welcoming her back to Tudor as soon as possible- the staff team is a real strength of the school and I am determined to ensure we have the highest quality of professionals to work and support your children each day. Whilst we say a (short) goodbye to Miss Beck, we look forward to seeing the return of Katie Reading who is returning to TeamTudor in the new year when she returns from her maternity leave.

Attendance is really improving… but let’s also think about punctuality…

I mentioned in the last newsletter how our level of attendance is starting to really improve. I am determined to see that Tudor achieves the best levels of attendance as well as attainment- after all, I do strongly believe that they go hand in hand. Children that attend well are far more likely to achieve well and this not just about their time at primary school- it sets those standards for their future work careers too.

However, the lateness of some families in the morning is something we really want to change. To highlight this, 16 children were ‘late’ on Monday (and 13 on Tuesday). The impact of this is that, as well as children missing the additional 15 minutes of early work that we put in place EVERY morning, they find it much harder to settle and the office team becomes stretched as they take children to their classes. Whilst being late on a certain day may have been unavoidable, we strongly encourage all parents to ensure their children arrive at Tudor in good time each day. For many families, attendance and punctuality has been improved through the use of our super breakfast club…

It really (probably!) is the best breakfast club around!

The Tudor Breakfast Club remains a real ‘selling point’ of the school. Numbers of children that use it continues to grow and the feedback is superb. Every day when I walk through the club and welcome the children to school, the atmosphere is friendly and it is a fantastic place to be.

We also want it to be a club that families can use as and when required but this does mean that we need parents to use the booking system correctly. We do need to know who to expect each day so please ensure that you book your place online via the School Gateway app, or website.  Please inform the office in good time if you want to use the provision and are having trouble with the online system.  

Our ATTENTION TO DETAIL…thanks for doing your bit!

Thanks for your support in responding to my requests about uniform and being appropriately dressed for school. Communication is key and if your child is unable to wear black shoes on a particular day, then a note in the home school diary would suffice- I pledge to continue to work with all parents in ensuring that children are well dressed and show pride in being part of our school. Please do make sure that your children are also wearing the correct school jumpers that have the school logo on the front.

Christmas concerts!

This time next week, our concerts will have taken place and we hope you enjoy our first round of performances in our new hall space. In addition to the evening concerts, there will be festive refreshments provided by our fabulous Friends of Tudor. Please make sure you are wearing your wristband tickets to gain entry to your child’s show. Your support in helping these events run smoothly is really appreciated.

Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 19th December

On the Wednesday of the final week in school, we have our school Christmas lunch. On this day, children are able to wear festive jumpers if they wish to help make the day even more fun. Also during the final week of term we have some other surprises as well as our next Rock Steady assembly and the final school assembly of 2018- it really will be a rewarding time in school!

Talking of food…

A big well done to the Tudor Kitchen team. In their recent ‘Quality Assurance Audit’ for all things school meals related, they scored a mighty 94 out of 100. This is just another reason why school meals should be the first choice for all children who come to Tudor!

Tudor Owls Cake Sale:

Tudor Owls- Friday (14th December) is cake day. This time it will be the turn of the children in Reception Class to provide biscuits and Y5 to provide cakes. Tudor Owls charge 20p for each cake or for two biscuits. Please do not send in cakes/biscuits that contain nuts – INCLUDING THOSE THAT SAY MAY CONTAIN PEANUTS -THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

It is likely that this will be the final newsletter of 2018 and, whilst I look forward to sharing more news on the website and our awesome twitter pages (and class blogs!), I would like to thank you for all your support during this (long) first term of the academic year. So many indicators show that we are doing the right things at Tudor and we continue to do all that we can to ensure the social and academic success of all…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher