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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Children (and parents) enjoy our Halloween event...

The first day of this new half term was a very busy one indeed for our valued 'Friends of Tudor'.

At 5pm, the doors of the school opened to reveal a range of spooky delights for the children to enjoy. In addition to the famous 'Tudor Scare Room', the children were able to enjoy apple bobbing, human fruit machines, pumpkin designs awards and much, much more.

The cool, misty evening added to the atmosphere as children (of all ages!) got dressed up to enjoy what is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year.

The total profit raised approached a thousand pounds and this will go towards one of the important projects that the Friends of Tudor have for the future.

I am sure many of you are excited to find out the winners of the 'pumpkin design' competition. One thing that must be said is that ALL of the pumpkins on show were very impressive and it was clear that lots of effort had gone into them all. A big well done to all those who entered. Now that all of the votes have been counted, I am able to reveal the winners...

In 3rd place:

Noah and Marlie (Red class and 1B)

In 2nd place:

Sienna (Red class)

And the first place award goes to:

Fearne (4R)

I think all those who attended our 'Fright Night' would agree that all of the pumpkins were super!

There was also a 'Headteacher's Choice' for the pumpkin prize and I chose the following interesting pumpkin. This delightful design by Ellis and Amy was clearly the result of some fun teamwork:


A big well done to all of you!

And a HUGE THANK YOU to Viv and the F.O.T team who made the night such a success.