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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Lots to read about before the half term break...

The three young boys in the photograph? I thought you would like to see what cross curricular thematic maths looks like in year 5...

Their task was to create a 3-D representation of a 3-D Mayan temple. They had to plan, design and make the separate nets themselves before creating the prototype of what the  temple would look like.

They were so excited to show me what they had completed!

Anyway... here's the newsletter...

Newsletter 4

Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Dear Parents/ Carers,

A newsletter on a Tuesday…?

Whilst we do not usually have a newsletter on a Tuesday, this is quite advantageous this week as I am keen to share some key pieces of information in advance of the half term holiday. Firstly, I would like to say well done to everyone at Tudor for the start they have made to this academic year. This has been a very busy first 8 weeks and most of the country is already on half term! Hertfordshire decided to have a ‘longer’ first half term and, whilst we still look forward to the break, I do think the decision to have the longer first half was correct…

It was our harvest celebration in school today and our hall was filled with proud grandparents. I am sure they enjoyed listening to some music from the children as well as tasting some of the creations that the children have been putting together this week. 

Our year 6 adventurers of 2018 (and 2019!)

It’s just over a week since the year 6 children returned from their successful residential trip to JCA. The sun shone and all of the children had a wonderful time facing their fears in a range of activities- the twitter threads from the week that are accessible at @TudorPrimaryHH and @TudorSport highlight what a fun week they had. A big thank you to those staff who went too!

The year 5 children should feel very excited about what is in store for their residential trip next year. We will be holding a parents meeting for the year 5 families on Tuesday 13th November at 6pm in the school in which we will be able to share key information.            

Parent Consultation Evenings- TONIGHT and Thursday 25th October

Parent consultations are one of our most important in-school activities. I hope that you have all been successful in being able to book a time slot that you are happy with- the meetings are a vital part of the partnership between home and school and we are keen to share how we can support your child going forward. Members of the senior leadership team are also available- do please come and see us if you would like any additional information about anything. A key strength of Tudor is the relationship that we all share in our community and if there is anything you would like to share with us, please do so!

I am delighted to say that we exceeded our attendance target again last week.  

It appears our hard work in regard to improving the overall attendance at Tudor Primary is working. In the recent past, attendance has been the one key area of school performance that we have been unable to ‘shout about’. Whilst the vast majority of families are putting the education and wellbeing of their children first, there are some children that have a rate of absence that means they are regarded as persistent absentees. Our target is 97%+ for all children and I firmly believe that this is achievable- there is a huge amount of research that highlights how good attendance at school leads to strong attendance and success at secondary school and beyond! It improves outcomes in life and we continue to raise aspiration.

Parking and packed lunches- doing the right things…

The school has received a few complaints (and photographic evidence) recently in regard to some inconsiderate parking. In one instance a van parked on the road in such a way that the only way other cars could get round it was to mount the pavement. I do believe that the movement of traffic has improved but we must all recognise that the school is now bigger than it has ever been and this means that more children are coming each day. If driving is absolutely necessary, do consider parking a little further away and walking the final part- it really will ensure a stress free start to the day!

It appears that a small number of families are starting to put some worrying additions into the packed lunches of children. There have been cold burgers as well as increasing amounts of snack bars with a high sugar content. Please DO NOT bring in food in at lunchtime for the staff to deliver to the children. I would strongly encourage all parents to consider using the school dinner option at Tudor- the food really is first class and there is lots of choice.

Dates! (Including a reminder that we are CLOSED on Monday 5th November)

Just to remind you, Tudor Primary is closed for staff training on Monday 5th November. Do always make sure you are fully up to date with key dates on the school website. As already highlighted on there, I am pleased to share the dates for our Christmas performances at Tudor.

Tuesday 11th December- 10am- Reception performance

Wednesday 12th December- 11am-  Nursery 'sing-along'

Wednesday 12th December- 2pm- Year 1 and Year 2

Wednesday 12th December- 6pm- Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 13th December- 2pm- Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Thursday 13th December- 6pm- Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Further details will be sent in November. Please do recognise that we would not be able to offer two tickets to EVERY family for each performance- whilst our hall is bigger, we do not have unlimited space! 

Another amazing FOT event is on soon…

The FOT Spooky Discos are being held on Thursday 8th November. It is 5pm- 6.15pm for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and 6.30pm-8pm for Years 3,4,5 and 6!  The cost is £3 per child and that includes unlimited squash and water! Be aware that there are a few spaces still left for teams to come and join us on Friday 26th October for the Movie Quiz. 

It’s not long until our next Tudor Owls Cake Sale:

Tudor Owls- Friday (26th October) is cake day. This time it will be the turn of the children in Reception to provide biscuits and Y4 to provide cakes. Tudor Owls charge 20p for each cake or for two biscuits. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN CAKES/ BISCUITS THAT CONTAIN NUTS- THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Enjoy the rest of the week and your half term break,

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher