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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Stay informed- there is lots going on at Tudor!

There is lots of good news to share with you about Tudor at the moment. The Autumn term really does help set the standard for the rest of the year and the children and staff team are all working well.

What a super trip for year 6 (and plans for next year!)

Year 6 have just returned from their residential trip to Condover Hall. They had the most wonderful time and I am sure they will look back fondly on their week of adventure for many years to come. The year 6 residential trip presents many challenges and the children do get so much from it- we must endeavour, though, to keep  costs affordable without limiting the quality of the experience. Going by the photos (and feedback from those who went), it really was a successful experience and to see children overcome their fears as well as enjoy the company of their friends is great to see (and hear about!). We have provisionally booked the Year 6 trip to Condover Hall for the current year 5 cohort and this is planned for the week beginning October 7th 2019. We look forward to holding a parents meeting soon so we can share more information about this.

Football success!

Since our last newsletter (or web update!), the school football team played their first match of the season. Mr Higgins was thrilled with the 1-0 win as well as how well the children played during the match- as the score suggests, it was a closely fought affair and the Tudor children did well to keep a clean sheet. Well done to the football team!

The Reception and Nursery children are now very settled in their newly refurbished learning areas and this area of the school is really a positive place to be- we now look forward to further developments externally- the school has changed a great deal recently but we are still looking to improve further.

Great news with attendance...

I am REALLY thrilled to see how we appear to making steps forward with our levels of attendance at Tudor. Last week we had some super levels of attendance and we had more than one class with 100%. In fact, over a third of our classes had over 99% attendance- that really is super and it means that we are starting to achieve attendance 'results' that reflect our aspiration for the children at Tudor. Attendance is a key factor in how schools are assessed and we are incredibly proud of how we seek to give the children the BEST start possible in their schooling. Thank you to all those parents who support the school in regard to ensuring their children are 'ready for learning'...

Dates for your diary...

I am pleased to announce the dates for the Christmas performances at Tudor. Now that we have a super hall to use, we are able to deliver something to parents 'in the warm'!

Tuesday 11th December- 10am- Reception performance

Wednesday 12th December- 11am-  Nursery 'sing-along'

Wednesday 12th December- 2pm- Year 1 and Year 2

Wednesday 12th December- 6pm- Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday 13th December- 2pm- Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Thursday 13th December- 6pm- Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

Details about tickets will be sent soon. Please do recognise that we would not be able to offer two tickets to EVERY family for each performance- whilst our hall is bigger, we do not have unlimited space! 

Keep an eye on this website for further updates!

Mr Weightman