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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Despite some troublesome traffic, children 'should' be back by 4pm still!

Monday 8th October

9am- A few tears (from the parents!) as the children boarded the coach in advance of the journey to Condover Hall.

Going by the size of the cases, some of the staff are a little worried that other family members are also being smuggled along for the fun too!

11.55am-Mr Munro has contacted the school to say that they are currently about 35 minutes away from arriving at the site. It will not be long before they are enjoying the first of their activities- what fun they will all have! 

12.45pm- The children have arrived at JCA- activities will be starting this afternoon (following a bit of lunch!)...

5.00pm- Many of the Year 6 Tudorites have spent the afternoon raft building on the lake and enjoying the water activities. They are now settling in rooms and getting ready for their first visit to the JCA dinner hall. They will NOT be disappointed.   

Message from Mr Higgins:

'Groups have just finished kayaking and raft building. All going really well. Some fantastic pictures to upload later and will send these when we can connect to wifi.'

Can you guess which members of the Tudor staff put their wet suits on and joined the children in the water?!

Do check out the photos on the Tudor Sport Twitter page:

Tuesday 9th October

8.20am- Children are all on their way to breakfast after the first night in their comfy accommodation. Activities for day 2 will be starting at 9.00.

The activities the children can expect to complete today include:

Archery, Climbing, Abseiling, DanceMANIA...

12.30pm- Children have been successful at abseiling and they are all conquering their fears. Well done to all of them! Archery and Lazer Maze has also been very popular with the children- Mr Higgins and Mr Munro were upset that they were too big to be let loose in the lazer maze though. EVERYONE is having a super time. More photos will available later.     

3.30- I hear the children have had an amazing time at DanceMANIA- they have performed some super dances and they clearly have lots of rhythm. They have also been doing some rather impressive 'swinging' on the MULTI-VINES:

This looks like so much fun!

Just look at that weather! We promised you all we would organise everything...

5.15pm- I will be unable to put any more photos here on this evening but I promise to get lots of photos tomorrow when I visit the site to see the Tudor party at Condover...

Wednesday 10th October

Ms Smith and Mr Weightman have arrived at JCA. It is clearly evident that the children are having a wonderful time. The Tudor explorers and being supportive to each other as they deal with all the challenges on offer. 

Do look at the school twitter page at TudorPrimaryHemel for lots of photos from this middle day of this residential experience. Food is proving popular with lots of choice... 

Children must be sleeping well because they still have so much positive energy!

The Tudorites will certainly sleep well this weekend though...

A huge thank you to all the staff who are supporting the children during these 5 days away! 

And they still have half the holiday to come... the fun is relentless at JCA Condover Hall.

Thursday 11th October

8.30am- Children have woken up and look forward to another full day of activities. Lots of fun is in store with fencing, survival skills, low ropes and more on the timetable. Tonight is the disco...

Here are some photos from yesterday:

Aren't the boys amazing at keeping their rooms nice and tidy...

5.00pm- Sorry about the lack of updates today- it has been a super busy day in school. Mind you, after speaking to Mr Munro, it is clear that the Tudor party have also had an extremely busy day up at JCA.

To think that they will all be back this time tomorrow... are you all excited to see them?!

Sorry if some of your children have not been seen on some of the photos yet. We can assure you that they are all there and having fun. I also have to add that when I tried to take photos of some of them yesterday for our website and twitter page, some of them 'ran a mile'! (I won't mention any names!)

You know what these Tudorites are like: they are just so camera shy ;) 

You can always rely on Jessica to smile for the camera though:

 Definitely a thumbs up for Tudor at JCA!

Tonight it is the 'silent disco', a fun activity complete with their own headphones to give them music of their own choice!

They will certainly be sleeping well tonight... and at the weekend...

Friday 12th October 

The children have all been completing their final activities at JCA. I do predict, though, that the biggest challenge that many of them will face is finding all their clothes and putting them away into the correct suitcase!

The coach has arrived and all of the luggage has been loaded. The Tudor Adventurers will set off soon and they are planning to be back at just after 4pm.


Coach due to return at 3.50pm- 4.00pm!

Can I also say a MASSIVE thank you to all the staff who accompanied the children on this wonderful trip away:

Mr Munro, Miss Cohen, Mr Higgins, Mrs Higgins, Mrs Donley, Mrs Stokes- you have earnt the right to 'put your feet up' this ready for work on Monday though ;)

Check out more action on our twitter links which are accessible from this website.

A HUGE well done to all the TudorAdventurers!

More to follow...
