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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Term starts on Tuesday 4th September- see you all then!

Whilst the children have been away, we have been able to make some further important improvements to the site at Tudor Primary School. The last 2 years have seen a number of important changes and the summer of 2018 has seen some of the most exciting ones yet. Read on to find out more about how Tudor has been evolving... 

The most 'important' work was the complete overhaul and refurbishment of the classrooms in Early Years. The rooms have been completely stripped back and there has also been some redesigning of the work spaces. Whilst a few further adjustments will take place, the children and staff will no doubt enjoy the space that they will visit each day. Ceilings, flooring, lighting have all been improved and we firmly believe that this space has become the high quality environment that the children deserve. The area will also soon receive additional role play furniture that includes an 'internal' two- level climbing structure- the children are sure to have a super time at Tudor!

Here is how the nursery classroom now looks:

More space...

We are sure the children will enjoy developing their cooking skills in the brand new kitchen area...

Year 2 has also received a complete redecoration. Mrs Rogers and Miss Adams were thrilled when they saw the outcome of Mr Donley's efforts which has given this building a real facelift- and the new blinds look super too.

The year 3 and year 4 cloakrooms are also brand new. As I have highlighted before, I felt strongly that the original design was flawed due to the high temperatures created by the 'plastic greenhouses' on the south facing side of the building.

As shown above, the school has worked hard to ensure that this situation has been rectified and the resulting change in the internal temperatures have proved that we were right to seek improvements here. Whilst this is not as 'exciting' for the children I am very pleased about this!

What will be exciting for the children is the further investment in high quality IT resources- both for the learning in computing, as well as the audio visual resources that have been installed in classrooms- Tudor must be a school that is ready for the future as well as the modern day!

I do hope you see how the front of the school has also been improved. As the photograph at the top of this page shows, the new planting looks great and the school is unrecognisable to the one I first saw in 2016. A big thank you to those at the 'Sunnyside Trust' who have worked hard over the summer break to make the front of the school even more attractive and welcoming...

I hope the above demonstrates how all at Tudor continue to be committed for the learning, enjoyment and wellbeing of those who come to our school each day.

Let's really give this year (and beyond) our all...