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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Our final assembly of amazing achievement!

The final assembly took place in the hall this morning and there was some very important announcements. The school heard who was being added to the list of Headteacher Award winners and we also handed out lots of attendance certificates.

For the list of winners of the Headteacher Award for Summer 2018 follow this link.

Well done to all those children who also achieved 100% attendance awards for all of the summer term. There were lots of these children with super attendance and they all received congratulations from everyone in the hall.

An 'extra special' clap was given to children who had 100% attendance for the COMPLETE YEAR- what a fantastic effort. I would like to commend such an achievement and these winners ranged from our youngest children to those moving onto secondary school. 

The children were able to show their appreciation to those teachers who are leaving us. Thank you Mr Gayle, Mrs Allen and Miss Cottle. We wish you well in your promotion, your retirement and your relocation!

The children and staff also heard the '2017-2018 A-Z of Tudor Primary'. Here it is for you- what a busy year we have had:

A-Z of Tudor Primary 2017-2018

A- Assembly hall- isn’t it great to be able to spend time together as a complete school in this brand new space…

B- Beach Day- Key Stage 1 brought the magic of the seaside to Hemel Hempstead!

C- Clubs! Lego, tennis, dodgeball, art, yoga and more- amazing opportunities for the children

D- Dulcamara and Hunt- the Excellent, Awesome, Leads- isn’t that what EAL stands for?

E- Extreme weather- we have had snow days, hot weather in June… a range of temperatures!

F- Fences- we are now so much more secure- an important change at Tudor!

G- Gayle- our assistant head is off to experience the delights of deputy headship- good luck!

H- Higgins- Our new sports coach has led us to sporting glory in many ways

I- Interviews- new members of staff- making sure we keep Team tudor strong for the future…

J- Jaffray- a super final year for our friendly year 6 pupil- we hope he stays in touch!

K- Know- how… we certainly provide bespoke teaching opportunities…

L- Lexia- Miss Cosby’s new computing package to support English development has been great

M- Mike Mullen jumping over all those teachers on his BMX

N- NQTs- haven’t Miss Grundy and Miss McKenzie done really well! What a super start!

O- Old Trafford- some of our year 6 pupils experienced life with the world’s biggest football team

P- Phonics- A new approach for Tudor has seen some super results- and they will only get better!

Q- Quiz Time- seeing how much the staff really do know about their school in end of term assemblies…

R- Rock Steady- the bands have been great and we are a school of rock stars…

S- SATs results- as well as the happiest children, they are also rather clever!

T- thematic curriculum- we are starting to show we are the most creative school around

U- Unbelievable teamwork… TeamTudor is the envy of all primary schools…

V- Values- Making sure we recognise what is truly important in life

W- Wellbeing- Shine has just been part of our new approach to supporting children and families…

X- X-cellent X-travaganza of a fayre- simply awesome (and gunge-tastic) from the F of T

Y- Year 6- our first ever double cohort- you have all made us so proud

Z- ZZZZZZZZZZ- we can all catch up on some sleep in the summer!


I wish all of you a safe and enjoyable break. See you all in September!

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher