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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Some (very) important final news items before we break up...

Read below for the final school newsletter of 2017-2108... what a super year it has been!

Newsletter 19- Tuesday 17th July 2018

Dear Parents/ Carers,

It is hard to believe that we have reached the final newsletter of the year. I do hope you enjoy reading it as it has (once again) some rather positive news about our super school…

Results that should make us all feel very proud…

I mentioned in the last newsletter how we had made huge strides forward in respect of attainment and progress in the school. From increased outcomes for our children in Reception class to higher phonics scores for year 1 (and year 2) and improved results in Year 2, we have lots of evidence for how well we are doing as a school.

I am delighted to inform you that our year 6 children did very well in the Key Stage 2 SAT assessments. A great deal of focus has gone into these children in the last couple of years and the results are super! They also evidence the continued improvement of our school.

The table below shows how much the outcomes have improved at Tudor over the last few years. Tudor Primary is really setting the standard for progress and attainment and long may that continue- go Tudor!

Percentage of children to reach expected standard in:








Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation








Reading, Writing, Maths combined




I would like to take this moment to commend the year 6 team for supporting the children this year in the right way so that they could perform well. They have had a wonderful year, full of inspiring experiences and I am sure that they will look back on their time at Tudor with joy.

A time to say goodbye…

As you are aware, we are saying goodbye to some members of the Tudor team this week. Mr Gayle is ready for the challenge of deputy headship in Luton and Mrs Allen is looking forward to her well-earned retirement as are Mrs Hunt and Mrs DulcamaraMiss Cottle is looking forward to a new start in a new school and Miss Baudains and Mrs Luker will also be saying goodbye. Whilst we are excited about our new team, I would like to say thank you for the impact that those who are moving on have had at Tudor.

Attendance- over 96% this week... let’s go for 97%!

There has been some good news recently with attendance and I would like to say well done to those classes who have achieved over the school target of 97% last week. We look forward to giving out over 200 separate100% attendance certificates in our special end of term assembly on the final day. That is fantastic to be able to do and it shows how we are all improving our ability to ensure children can attend well.

Sports Day Success- well done everyone (and especially Mr Higgins!)

It has been great to read a number of positive emails that the school has received in the last few days. It is apparent that many of you enjoyed the sports day on Friday. As well as the carousel of activities in the morning, the family picnic and the track races proved popular. Well done to the year 6 children who supported the younger children- they were truly helpful and were a big part in the day running smoothly.

It certainly got hot in the afternoon and the decision was made to remove a few races. I am sure you all understand that the safety and wellbeing of the children is our main concern and I am glad to see how the extra ice lollies and bottles of water that school supplied proved successful too. It certainly is an event that needs careful organisation and, once again, Tudor Primary showed that it delivers high quality events that all can enjoy!  

School Dinners- tasty as well as great value!

School dinners will remain at £2.50 per meal for Autumn term for children in years 3,4,5 and 6.  Please remember that meals must be paid for in advance – whether that’s daily, weekly or monthly.  To make payments easier, use the schoolgateway app online. You can even load up for the full half term which is £97.50 or the full term for £182.50. The app also allows you to find out the meal choices your children have made. I am very confident in saying the meals at Tudor are impressive.

The Tudor Breakfast Club- bookings for September

Booking will open at the end of this week for the Autumn term for our amazing breakfast club. We are committed to ensuring as many children can attend as possible and it will remain subsidised to keep costs low and affordable. Contact the office for more information- it provides a fantastic start to each day!

Music Opportunities in Key Stage 2

If you would like your child to experience some woodwind lessons (saxophone/ clarinet/ flute) we have some spaces for the Autumn term (and beyond) in key stage 2 (years 3-6). Email the school office on and add the subject of ‘music lesson enquiry’ if you want more information about this.

Parent View- can you spare us a few minutes?

I must say that it is really great to hear the overwhelmingly positive feedback that the school receives. Whether it is an email following an event such as the summer fete or sports day or a comment at the parent consultation evenings, it helps us know if we are meeting your expectations. Please do, if you can, complete PARENT VIEW which is accessible online- it will help us measure the impact of what we are doing…

For a copy of the original parent view letter that was sent out last week, do follow this link.

Do not forget that school ends at 2pm on Friday. Have a safe and enjoyable summer break and we look forward to all children returning on Tuesday 4th September at 8.45am.

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher