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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Our school continues to receive positive feedback from county advisors...

BREAKING NEWS - PARENT CONSULTATIONS OPEN FOR BOOKING FRIDAY 8TH JUNE at 3.15pm. Use the link here to secure your spot asap for these important meetings:

It was an important day in school today: we were visited by two county advisors. This was part of the annual cycle of support that schools receive in Hertfordshire. Whilst we are always keen to ensure that our school is continuing to evolve and improve, such visits are key 'markers in time' in the evaluation of how successful Tudor Primary is.

A lot of information was requested and shared and this included the analysis of attainment and progress data (how much are the children learning- and how quickly!) as well as examples on how we are meeting the needs of different children and families.

We will not receive the report for a period of time but it is fair to say that we can look forward to a very positive outcome. Children are clearly responding very well to the opportunities in school and our creative approach to learning is clearly reaping the rewards. We are also a school that is becoming increasingly proud of how we can evidence the bespoke support we give to the Tudor community.

I must say that it was a great moment when there was a knock at my door. I saw two children from Reception class standing there with some super writing.  To see Aidan K and Oliver J keen to show their super work really highlighted how Tudor children are proud of the progress they are making.  

Our advisors may have thought it was all rather staged but I can assure everyone it wasn't- it really is just a daily example how the Tudor children enjoy sharing their success!

Don't the boys look proud! They certainly deserved a special 'Headteacher Sticker'!

Ms Smith and myself also accompanied the county advisors on a tour of the school in which we looked in all the classes. It did not surprise me to see how engaged the children were and it is especially pleasing when they share how much they are enjoying school. After all, whilst we want to impress people that come to visit our school, it is the views of our most important customers (the children) that we must be primarily thinking of.

Taking the above into account, I look forward to sharing with you the feedback from our recent pupil questionnaires. A range of key questions were asked and the children were able to feedback how they truly feel about THEIR school- and I must say that it is clearly evident that they feel happy, safe and content whilst in our care. 

A big well done to all the staff team at Tudor who work tirelessly to make such outcomes possible.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Mr Weightman