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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

So much going on for the children who attend our school...

I am sure that you have heard lots from the children about what has been going on in school this week. If you have heard stories of alien landings or rockets blasting into the sky you could have been forgiven for thinking that your child has started telling 'tall tales' but I can assure you that they have not beeen making those things up!

It has been a week of 'Enrichment' for the children and this has been delivered in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire. The children in year 2 have clearly enjoyed the range of activities and I know the rest of the children have enjoyed seeing the rockets shoot through the sky above our school field.

Talking of 'enriching lives', I have been really pleased to see how a number of children have been selected for some exciting opportuinities in the recent past (and in the future). As well as performing at the Royal Albert Hall, we have had children representing the school in maths challenges and next month we have some children in year 6 being invited to Manchester United Football Club. As well as having lunch and a tour at Old Trafford, they will be visiting their state of the art training complex and interviewing some famous names. Keep an eye on our website for updates.

I believe it is important for children to have such opportunties as they will certainly remember such fantastic moments when they are older.

It was also fantastic to see how successful our 'Phonics Event' was this week. a big well done to the team in Key Stage 1 who provided some expert support to the children and parents in our new school hall.


As I have said on a number of occasions, partnership is vital in the development of your children and we will do all that we can to ensure the children can progress, academically and socially.

The opportunities will continue to come thick and fast next term. Do check those book bags this weekend as there are a number of clubs being advertised for next term. We can now offer clubs such as dance, gymnastics, art and so much more. What with the 'official start' of our breakfast club, it is safe to say what is on offer is a completely different picture to that of the past. We are really looking forward to providing high quality provision. And they are high quality- even the new tennis coach we now have on board is the ex doubles partner of Andy Murray!

Tudor opportunities? Game. Set... and MATCH!

Enjoy your weekend...