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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

SCHOOL CLOSED on Friday 2nd March

Making the right 'snow-related decisions'...

UPDATE- Thursday 6.30pm

Tudor will be CLOSED tomorrow. A number of staff have struggled to get home tonight (and some are still stuck in traffic)...

The likelihood of freezing temperatures making the snow/roads even more slippery mean that I believe a closure is the correct decision.

Enjoy your weekend...

UPDATE- Thursday 1.15pm

School will be open as normal until 3.15pm but you can collect children from 2.15pm if you wish.

Thursday 1st March- 7.15am

Site management staff (and a number of others!) are all on site making sure the school is ready for action today.

We look forward to seeing all of the children in school today. Wrap up warm!

Looking at weather apps/ websites it appears that we will NOT have any further downfalls of snow. If the situation changes, please be assured we will contact you in good time.

Enjoy your day... 

Wednesday 28th February

As I look out of the window today, it is clear that the weather has been rather changeable. As I write this news update at 11.55am, we have experienced a flurry of snow in the last 10 minutes. There is, though, very little 'settled snow' on the floor and, despite the low temperatures, we are not suffering from lots of ice on the school site and/ or outside.

I am aware that some parents have been calling the school.  Weather information informs us that we are unlikely to have much more snow today and I can already see that the sky is less 'imposing'. Please be assured that if the school was to close, news would be shared immediately on the website (as well as our school twitter page) and parents would also receive a text message.

We are a school that continues to have the highest standards in safety for children and we have a very committed site team who work tirelessly to make sure the school is ready and prepared for children and learning.

It has already been decided that children will also be remaining inside at lunch today due to the low temperatures.

I AM aware that the website experienced a little 'down-time' this morning- the website provider had a faulty server. This is why it is important to have a number of measures to share key information with you all. 

Enjoy your day...

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher