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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Exciting announcements for exciting times...

It really has been a busy week in school this week. Whilst I do look forward to a period when we can start to relax and take stock of what we have achieved at Tudor, to see how the school continues to evolve (and try new things) is rewarding to see.

First of all, it was very pleasing to see how our efforts regarding new applicants for Reception Class in 2018-2019 proved worthwhile. I believe it is a key part of my job to provide a full 'introduction' to our school to all the prospective parents that consider Tudor as the school for their children. As previous newsletters and updates have highlighted, we have never been busier for tours. Therefore, to hear that nearly 150 families have applied for a Reception place is really pleasing. Moreover, 57 families put Tudor as their first choice of provision. School budgets are obviously a key part in delivering high quality experiences for children and to see how the interest in the school continues to grow is something that can really help us drive forward with our aspirations for Tudor Primary.

I must say that I have also been happy to receive lots of feedback about our plans for changes to the 'Breakfast provision'. There has been a range of points made and I am determined to ensure that we make the right decisions going forward- about what is on offer as well as price. One thing that we must not compromise on though is the quality of what we offer. I want children to be able to look forward to coming each day and enjoy the provision- socially as well as educationally... and that is without mentioning the actual breakfast itself!

'Making sure we do things correctly' has been a key requirement for our hall build. I recognise that the build is taking longer than expected but this has related to the adjustments to the design of the build itself. Initial plans (and costings) that I was presented with would have meant that the hall had posts in the middle of the floor space. Whilst it would have been cheaper, I would never have been happy with a hall (for sports and assemblies, etc) with two large metal posts in the middle! The governing board and myself are determined to deliver a hall for Tudor that can be 'fit for purpose' long into the future!

It was a big day for our hall project on Thursday 18th January- the 12 metre steel beam was delivered and craned into place. Such 'deliveries' need careful managing- this highlights the range of 'issues' that we have to plan for (thanks Mr Donley for managing this)... if it was only about the education of children!

The beam arrives:

Up it goes:

Nearly there!:

The hall will obviously be used for assemblies and presentations and this brings me onto 'Rock Steady'. There were class sessions this week and the corridors were filled with melodic rock sounds and next week sees the start of the band sessions- I wonder what the bands will call themselves! If your child has been fortunate to have been allocated a space, do make sure you contact Rock Steady for payment instructions, etc- we have a very large waiting list if you do not wish to take the space.

Next week is assessment week in school and I know the teachers are quietly confident about what the children will be able to achieve. Our year 6 outcomes at the school really improved last year and we must look to maintain such performance.

As you can tell, the pace remains high in school and the teachers look forward to sharing mid year reports in our Spring consultations on the 6th and 8th February. If you have not yet made an appointment do so using the booking system. (FOLLOW THIS LINK)

Do not forget that our Twitter page can also help find out important news.

HOWEVER, do please make sure that our website continues to be your initial point of contact to find out what is going on in our ever-evolving school...

Term dates for 2018/2019 are already on here!

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher