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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

So what 'really' goes on in school? Let me try and give you an idea...

It is extremely busy for 'school tours' in our school at the moment. In fact, the office team cannot believe how many families from nearby (and further afield!) are contacting the school to organise a look round. Something that I am committed to is assuring parents is that I will show them 'Any class, any day, any time'. If we show that Tudor is a positive, engaging, happy place throughout the day, I am sure that many of our 'visitors' will be keen to choose Tudor as the 'school to go to'...

I do have to say, though, that so much happens throughout the day. And no two days are identical! So what happened on  a 'normal' (windy) Wednesday near the end of November? 

Read on to find out...

7.45am- By now, many of the teachers have arrived and are already in classes preparing the lessons for the day. Mr Puddephatt is making sure the school is clean and tidy in preparation for the day.      

8.05am- Lots of children are arriving for our 'free breakfast care' that we offer to children in years 4,5 and 6. It is just over a year when we started this iniative to support families at the start of the day and we now have approximately 70 children who 'come in early' for a healthy breakfast, sports fun, homework support as well as other things too. We are really proud of how this club is 'making a difference'...

8.45am- Parents and children start to arrive and the doors to classrooms open. It is always pleasing to see the happy faces as the children arrive and it is not long before all are settled in school and the learning begins...

9.30am- There are a number of 'parent tours' booked for today and as we look around the school the children are our biggest 'selling point': whatever age they are, they always greet us with a smile and are courteous and open doors- in fact, the 'visiting parents' are treated like royalty.

10.30am- Music fills the air as Miss Bell leads our music assembly. There is modern music as well as a few (adapted) 'festive favourites' being learnt in preparation for the Christmas Concert which will be held once again on the playground this year. Let's hope the weather is kind again: our planning and preparation can only go so far!

11.05am- I look outside at our 'hall building project' and see how deep they have dug into the ground below. This gives me an idea and I send an email to Mrs Donley who is phase leader for years 3 and 4- Why don't we use this build as further inspiration  for our 'Buried Treasure' theme? I bet the children have no idea how it looks so deep under our feet!


Look at all the different layers and colours!

11.30am- I have to say that my favourite part of ANY day is when children come to visit me to share their work. We have been looking at writing opportunities with our youngest children recently and Miss Umney is so excited to bring Emma from yellow class to share her writing about animals. What is really super is that Emma is so confident in telling me all about her work- well done Emma!

11.45am- Learning doesn't just take place in school and, once a further group of parents have been shown round (children still showing us off superbly!), I return to my emails to find a photo has been sent through from our year 2 team who have been taking the children on a learning walk in the local area. How much fun are they having?!

12.15pm- It's soon lunchtime and the dining hall is filled with the wonderful aroma of 'roast day'. Mr Davis (our school chef) and his team are treating the children (and many staff) once again with his culinary skills. There's always a positive atmosphere in the dining hall and I sit with some year 5 and 6 children who tell me what they have been up to in the morning.

12.45pm- Windy days need careful attention but with lots of equipment out on the playground, the children have a super time. Skipping challenges prove the order of the day and Fearne and Rachel show how skilful they are- who else can do the 360 degree turn without the skipping rope stopping?- it's tough but they achieve it- they receive a merit for 'not giving up'!

1.30pm- Year 2 have now returned and I see some tired faces. That's the teachers and parents I am talking about! The children have clearly had a super time and they tell me lots of things they have learnt.

2.00pm- It is great to see lots of PE and sport being delivered. This is a real transformation from a year ago and both the field and hall see lots of activity. All children are engaged and involved- just what we want to see!


2.30pm- The end of the day is getting a little closer but the energy around school remains high. A number of companies make contact with the school to arrange some time to create plans for a newly refurbished Early Years area that will be a real 'step forward' for the school. What with the new hall that will be finished in the new year, there are some exciting projects that will ensure Tudor is the place to be for a long while yet.

Even though the majority of children will be collected at 3.15pm, the school will remain a 'hive of activity' long after this. Planning meetings for teachers as well as after school sports clubs are timetabled. And that is even before books are marked and rooms are prepared for the next day!

When 6pm arrives and Mr Puddephatt locks the gates, the staff leave and we look forward to another day tomorrow. The only thing we know for sure is that it will be a completely different story... and we cannot wait to find out what will happen!

I hope you enjoyed reading this 'insight' into life in our school...

Mr Weightman