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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

We look forward to seeing you all next week...

It has been a couple of weeks since our last web news update and there is lots to tell you about.

The main 'activity' in school this week was our pupil progress meetings. These are very important meetings when we plan for additional strategies and support for groups and individuals so that they can make lots of progress in their learning. The 'interventions' can range from additional focus groups that take place each day to the creation of whole school initiatives.

Listening to the teachers in a number of classes, we have decided to adjust the expectations for homework for many of the children. The children have already shown in year 6 how additional revision activities can help 'boost' the children's attainment but we must ensure that we expect the right 'balance' of work from the children when not in school.

The learning must also be relevant to what they are doing and have a clear purpose in mind. It must be said, however, that the most important homework (for all children) of all is making time to read. This daily 'requirement' does not diminish as they get older- in fact, once children have 'learnt to read' they then need to 'read to learn'. 15 minutes a day is a simple target and, as the year 2 reading drive continues to show, the more other adults are involved in this, the better.

The school also experienced a 'County Review' on Tuesday. An advisor from county as well as a school inspector spent the morning in school and, whilst the focus was on how we meet the needs of our most vulnerable pupils, they also looked at how we meet (and continue to meet) the needs of all.

Lessons were observed, books were looked at and they also spent time talking to children of all ages. I have not yet received the final report but I do look forward considering the positive summary they gave me at the end of their visit. It is fair to say that they were extremely impressed with the behaviour of all the children during their time in our school too. Our efforts to improve attendance were also noted and, if it was not for the (decreasing) number of 'persistent absentees' that we have in school, the judgement of having an outstanding school for behaviour would be warranted.

It was super to see many of our 'more experienced'  members of the school community at our Harvest Festival on Wednesday. A big thank you to Ms Smith who made the afternoon a success. Here is what one of the grandparents said in an email the following day:

'Just writing to compliment you all on your efforts, in making this afternoon a delightful and memorable experience for us grandparents.  The children should be very proud of themselves, so well behaved and attentive, and an absolute credit to you.'

The image at the start of this news update is one of the 'bread creations' baked by the children in year 6. Impressive indeed!

After half term we have our second school training day of the year. Therefore, school will be closed to children on Monday 30th October. All of the Tudor staff team will be spending this day working on new performance management targets- we are very aspirational for ourselves as well as the children we work with!

You will have heard about our new approach to the teaching of values in school and it will not be long before we hear about the nominations for the children showing true self belief when in and around school. To conclude this web update, I'll highlight two pictures from Alfie in year 6. It is fair to say that at the start of the lesson he was not confident about using his pencil to show 'depth' when making observational drawings. However, as the difference in the pictures below highlight, all he needed to recognise was that he could 'do it'.

At first...

And then...(30 minutes later)

Go Alfie!

It just goes to show what the children can do when they truly believe.

Have a great weekend everybody...

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher