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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Parent meetings, new clubs, new opportunities...

The start of another week is an appropriate time to write the next web update about life at Tudor Primary...

It was pleasing to hear about the number of parents that have attended our 'Meet the Teacher' meetings. I have heard lots of good feedback about the success of these meetings and I trust that you were given opportunities to ask questions about the new year groups that your children are now in.

The beginning of any academic year is always a challenge in school as we must ensure that we start the year in the right way- setting standards, supporting children with changes, new expectations are all things that need planning and it is pleasing to say that this year has started relatively smoothly. When I think back to being a 'new starter' myself last year, the fact that I am aware of 'how Tudor works' is very comforting! One key area of the school who have many additional 'Autumnal Pressures' is the school office and I would like to take this opportunity to commend them (and thank them) for their efforts so far this term. The fact they have also had to send out and deal with all of the letters related to our new sports clubs has  really tested the 'capacity' for our 'front of house'. To ensure we have a staff structure that meets the needs of the community I have expanded the provision in our office team and feedback tells me that your experience of being able to contact the school has improved dramatically in the past 12 months.

Our new after school clubs are starting this week and, whilst there is lots to do as Headteacher, the pressure of 'completing the ballots' for some of our over subscribed clubs was something I did not really enjoy- I recognise that a number of children were missing out once the capacity of the club had been reached. Please be assured that children that any children 'missing out' on a club this term will be prioritised in the Spring. I also want to develop the provision of extra curricular clubs even further.

Please make sure that you follow this link to the 'Extra- Curricular Activities' section which has all the helpful information regarding our clubs (including pick up arrangements and more!). 

To conclude this web update, i thought you would like to read a poem that has been written by Daisy in year 3. The stimulus is 'Buried Treasure'- our new curriculum theme in year 3 and year 4.


I just found some old, rough bones,

Which weren't vey clean.

I cleaned them, I scrubbed them

There now the shiniest I've ever seen.


After that I thought?

Is it us?

And then I said to myself,

'That's a Tyrannosaurus!'


The bones weren't rough but smooth,

They were long and sharp and white.

Digging is such hard work,

I dig withall my might.


These bones now need a home,

So enjoyment can be made.

So I sent them to a museum,

And this is where they stayed.


Well done Daisy!

Have a great week everyone- don't forget to check this website regularly so you are up to date with key information. Whilst it is good to hear positive feedback about our (still relatively new) website, I am not convinced that all parents take advantage of it...

Mr Weightman/ Headteacher