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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Lots of interest in new clubs... Use this website for extra information!

UPDATE- Thursday 14th September

Please follow this link to the 'Extra Curricular Activities' section of our website.

You will find more information about each club including COLLECTION arrangements and KIT requirements.

Please make sure that your child returns his/ her PE kit to school on the day after the club: they are likely to need it for PE sessions!

Monday 11th September

I am writing this news item to share exciting developments about sporting opportunities at Tudor. A big ‘step forward’ was appointing a full-time sports coach as part of our ‘teaching team’ and, as you will already be aware, Mr Higgins has already made a super start. As well as teaching each every week, he leads ‘sport and games fun’ at lunchtimes.

The next step is to provide a range of ‘after school clubs’ for children of different ages to experience and enjoy. To help achieve this, we have also contacted other local sports clubs to join us in delivering our aims. We are pleased to announce that ‘Hemel Storm' Basketball Club and ‘Fit for Fun’ (who led our successful Dodgeball sessions last year) are now ‘on board’ too. We are also close to finalising additional links with 'Hemel Stags' for rugby and we are in discussions with some dance schools as well.  

Please look at the table below for our clubs for the Autumn Term 2017:

(Clubs will run from 3.15pm- 4.15pm)

*This table may be easier to read in the landscape format on mobile devices




*TO CONFIRM- Tag Rugby (Hemel Stags)- Year 5 and Year 6

Multi Sports (Mr Higgins)- Years 1 and Year 2

Dodgeball (Fit4fun)- Year 3 and Year 4


Tudor Football Squad (Mr Higgins)- Year 5 and Year 6

Netball (Fit4fun)- Year 5 and Year 6


Gym fun (Mr Higgins)- Year 1 and Year 2

Yoga (Mrs Hughes)- Years 3 and Year 4

Girls Football (Fit4fun)- Years 5 and Year 6


Mini Football (Mr Higgins)- Years 1 and Year 2

Netball (Fit4fun)- Year 3 and Year 4

Basket Ball (Hemel Storm) Years 5 and Year 6

Homework (Mr Gayle)- Year 5 and Year 6


Friday Football Fun (Mr Higgins)- Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

We also have plans for our children in Early Years once they have settled into life in our school!   

From this term, we will be introducing a small fee for each of the sports clubs. There will be a minimum of 10 sessions per term and the total cost for the term will be £20 per club. Considering that fees being charged by schools for such sessions in schools are often £5 per session (at least!) we feel that this (heavily subsidised) rate offers super value for money.

Please be assured that we will endeavour to ensure all allocations of spaces will be done so fairly. If your child is allocated a space, they will be expected to attend and show commitment to the club each week.

In addition to the above, all children receive additonal sporting opportunities at lunch time. A key part of Mr Higgins new role is to increase the 'sporting' and/ or 'active' engagment of children during lunch time. There has also additional investment in sports equipment and resourcing.

And this is just the start...
