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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

New classes, new teachers, new schools!

There is a lot happening in school today. 'Transition Day' is when children are able to find out what exciting things lay ahead for them. Whilst, there is lots of positive feeling about the future, we must take time to recognise where we have come from...

I would, though, like to start this latest web update with news about our year 6 children. The last few weeks have seen them preparing for their final assembly as well as completing information for their 'year book' which we know that they will treasure for a very long time. Their behaviour has been of a super standard and they continue to be excellent role models around school. It was just over a year ago when I came to see them in year 5 and I shared the expectations that I had of them- they have certainly not disappointed!

The SATs results were released this week and to see how the children have progressed is quite astounding. The children have clearly given their all and their efforts have been rewarded. Do follow this link to see how the Tudor Primary has performed in the year 6 tests.

Mr Gayle and Miss Cox deserve special praise indeed for how they have led the class during the past year. We are all confident that the children will continue to thrive at their next schools- remember your mantra from the year: 'It is challenging but we will do our best!' 

The 'current' year 5 classes have a 'tough act to follow' but, as I said to them this morning, I have a lot of faith in them. They certainly are up for the challenge and, like all of the children meeting their new teachers today, they are making sure that they start in the right way...

The atmosphere in our 'taster day' assembly was great to see- I must say that the children clearly feel comfortable in the presence of all the staff and positive relationships is one of the keys to success of a school. This was something that  initially attracted me to Tudor Primary and I will endeavour to keep this 'community feel' during my time here. 

We must take time to recognise the valued work that some of our 'departing staff' have provided in their time here: 

Mrs Francis has worked with many different children in support and development of reading skills. We all wish her well in her retirement.

Miss D'Souza who has worked part-time as PPA cover is looking forward to a full time classteacher position at a school in St. Albans. The large number of children that she has taught at Tudor will not forget her.

Miss Fordham is excited about 'changing direction' in her career. She continues to be very popular with the children and I am sure that she will continue to stay in contact with the school.

Miss Williams will be leaving us at the end of term. I know that the children in 3W will remember her fondly and I know Mr Munro has also enjoyed supporting her development in the early stages of her teaching career.  

Following this busy week of transition days and end of year report consultations, the pace will not necessarily drop- the final two weeks of term will include: the 'Reception Assembly', the 'Final Year 6 Assembly', inter school athletics competition at 'Dacorum Sports', the 'Tudor Sports Day' as well as the hotly anticipated 'Culture Club Evening' (see the poster below) and more...

I think it is fair to say that we all deserve the fine weather that we have at the moment... let's hope it continues into August!

We thank you all for your continued support.

The Staff of Tudor Primary