The Tudor Teaching Team for September...
Organisation of class groups for 2017-2018
Whilst we look forward to seeing you all during our ‘End of Year Report Consultations’ this week, I am writing this letter to inform you of the arrangements for classes next academic year. As I have mentioned in correspondence before, recruitment is extremely tough and it is becoming increasingly difficult for schools to ensure that it has a staff of the right quality and experience. Therefore, I am delighted to say that the ‘Tudor Team’ looks strong.
The class groups are as follows. The class name in brackets is the group of children from this academic year. For example, Miss Cosby will be teaching the current 4R cohort. You may also notice that the year groups in Key Stage 1 and 2 do not refer to the teacher’s surname anymore.
(Please note that those viewing this on mobile devices may need to read this in 'landscape mode')
Nursery- Mrs Iskandar (Acting phase leader)
Red- Miss Faber Yellow- Miss Pike
Red/ yellow cohorts have been mixed/ ‘regrouped’ in advance of KS1.
Year 1 1P- Mrs Allen 1O- Miss Bell
Year 2 2R- Miss Adams (1B) 2Q- Mrs Rogers (1A)
Lower Key Stage 2
Phase Leader/ SENCo- Mrs Donley
Year 3 3T- Miss Scott (2R) 3S- Miss Grundy (2A)
Year 4 4V- Miss Cottle (3M) 4U- Mrs Graham (3W)
Upper Key Stage 2
Phase Leader- Mr Munro
Year 5 5X- Miss Cosby (4R) 5W- Miss McKenzie (4C)
Year 6 6Z- Mr Gayle (5C) 6Y- Mr Munro (5D)
I am very excited about the team for next year. As well as recruiting two high quality NQTs (Newly Qualified Teachers), we have increased the capacity for leadership in the school with Mrs Donley becoming a non class based SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)- this will be a huge ‘step forward’ for our school as a ‘complete’ 2 form entry primary school. Mr Gayle as Assistant Headteacher will also be taking on additional responsibility across the school as a whole when Mr Munro takes on the day to day leadership of upper key stage 2. Miss Reading is remaining as PPA support (cover support for the class teachers' planning and preparation time) and Mrs R Smith, the current Year 6 cover teacher, is increasing her support in year 6 too. What with a brand new full time sports coach, the potential for the school is very exciting indeed.
Here’s to a successful new academic year at Tudor- but let’s enjoy the summer holidays first…
Mr Weightman