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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary is undergoing a 'facelift'...

The staff all returned to school today for some training. Whilst it was good to get the 'Tudor Team' back together, it was exciting to see the new changes that have occured to the 'main' building.

There has been a lot of activity at Tudor during the holidays and the building work will continue for the next few weeks. Please be assured that we will try to keep all disruption to a minimum.

You will be informed (in good time) if there are any changes to the arrangements for class 'drop-offs'/ 'collections'. Mr Donley has ensured that the school and staff are prepared for what is in store!

In the meantime, there will be some 'unsightly areas' around school- do please ensure you keep an extra close eye on your children before and after school- the Tudor pupils are rather inquisitive and they may want to explore... 

We look forward to our new and improved school building!

Mr. Weightman