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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

You REALLY want to read this newsletter. So much to SHARE! 

Newsletter 12

Thursday 13th March 2025

In the last newsletter I shared that we were looking forward to receiving our report following our county school advisor visit in February. It is truly pleasing to read what is being said about our school. The focus was on how the wider curriculum is delivered, concentrating on science, D&T and computing. The report is full of praise and it contains some wonderful comments about the quality of provision that your children receive at Tudor. Do have a look at the screenshot of the report summary below.

Let’s all be PROUD of what is being said about YOUR school. The photo below the report summary also evidences what a day looks like at Tudor. Whilst we have advisors and professionals that visit us on certain days, it is the day to day experiences of the children that should please us the most. The children speak so happily about their school. The smiles tell us just as much as the writing in the report- if not more.

Talking of feedback, we are currently delivering our own school-led spring cycle of monitoring and evaluation. From teachers sharing how they adapt their approaches to engage all learners, to joining lessons so that we can truly understand what it is like to be a Tudorite, such activities will help us improve further. In relation to this, I just have to tell you how well are youngest Tudorites are doing. I was watching the reception children creating collages- not only could they produce wonderful visual effects but their level of scientific understanding and vocabulary was fantastic:

‘I’ve used red and yellow paper because lava is watery… it moves… but it is very hot’

‘I’ve used scrunched up paper here because the blue bit is flat because the oceans are flat but the land is full of hills so I need to make it look higher’  

Whether in science, reading or anything(!), TALKING to children and LISTENING to their responses tells us so much. We learn by communicating with each other. Let’s ALL do this. I am sure most would agree that social media is severely impacting our ability and potential to TRULY engage with each other. Children have one chance at an education and it is not just about being in school!

In the last few weeks, something AWESOME happened- A TRUE indicator of happiness and wellbeing is attendance and, FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, nursery class won the weekly attendance cup. Not only did they win it but EVERY child was in school for EVERY day. I am confident in saying that, with such engaged children and supportive parents, the future will be VERY BRIGHT for them. Check out their picture with Miss Pike- what a TUDOR-tastic achievement!

For the school as a whole, the attendance picture is super- our number of persistent absentees has HALVED and our attendance figures show us to be a school achieving the BEST results.

Some people doubted my 97% attendance target for Tudor Primary but we must all -unapologetically- be ASPIRATIONAL for our children. They are the ADULTS of the future. Children who attend well, achieve well!  

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Anne Weedon, Tudor's Educational Mental Health Practitioner, offers intervention to parents/carers to support their child with fears and worries and/or managing difficult behaviours. For more information about the support 'The Mental Health Support Team' can offer please follow this link: If you would like a referral to be made, please do contact me. The 'Support Plan Window' is coming to an end - thank you to all the parents that attended their child's support plan review meeting and provided valuable input when reviewing their child's progress and planning for their next steps, children have more chance of success when we all work together!  

FOT- TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE- the circus is coming!

It is truly exciting that the Friends of Tudor have managed to source the country’s leading school circus experience for the weekend of May 31st/ June 1st. This is the second weekend of the summer half term break and tickets are now on sale-

BIG (Top!) ANNOUNCEMENT- The BIG (Top!) Family Disco!

I mentioned in previous newsletters that there will be a surprise and we are thrilled to share what else will be on offer alongside the circus experience. To help mark the 50th full school year of Tudor Primary, there will be an AWESOME FAMILY DISCO IN THE BIG TOP on the evening of May 31st. To gain entry, you will need to have booked a circus ticket (for either of the two days- see link above). There is sure to be a great party atmosphere. Do NOT miss out. Flyer to be released soon! We hope to see as many Tudorites, young and old(er!) joining us to mark the #Tudor50th!

‘Hangout Easter Holiday’- MAKE SURE YOU BOOK YOUR SPACE! Booking is now open for our holiday provision. There will be so much on offer from the 7th-11th April and your children will have an awesome time. Please do book/reserve (speak to office!) your spaces early as such holiday provision can only be offered if there is a need for it. Please do not just leave it until the last minute. What we can PROMISE is an exciting, engaging experience for all.

Important Dates:


1O- 20th March

5W- 27th March

5X- 3rd April

The Tudor Circus Weekender! - Sat 31st May and Sun 1st June

‘Tudor50th Family Disco'- Sat 31st May

Non-uniform (Hospice of St. Francis)- 4th April

Nursery Applications to CLOSE next week- Our nursery cohort is nearly full and applications close on Friday 21st March. Be quick if you would like your child to join our youngest children next year. Applications can be made via the school website.

A(nother) GREAT success for Tudor- it was a special moment on Monday when our girls football team played their first match. It was a hard-fought match and both teams gave their all. Schools are often graded on academic outcomes and whilst we top those tables too, it is the memories of fun and activity with our friends at school that we all look back on.

I think that 2-0 win will stay with our Tudor Girls for a LONG time!  Speaking of extra opportunities, we have been finalising our plans for a further year of skiing tuition in year 6. What fun!

The children in year 6 are now in their last half year of primary education and I am happy to share the VAST majority of children are going to their first-choice secondary school. Whether learning lots in class, getting 100% attendance in nursery, or having fun on the slopes in year 6, let’s AIM HIGH! 

Mr Weightman
