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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Keep up to date with all things #TeamTudor! News includes more super feedback from county...

Newsletter 4

Thursday 24th October 2024

Dear Parents/ Carers,

As I write this newsletter in the final week of the first half term, I would like to highlight just how well the children (and staff) of the school are working. Our first round of parent consultation evenings are taking place this week and it is pleasing to see how school and families work together. We trust that these first meetings of the year evidence just how committed and determined we are to enable all children to flourish. In our last newsletter we shared the tremendous academic outcomes of Tudor but such results are only possible if the children are happy and settled when in school. As the pictures of some of our young writers show, there are lots of smiles at Tudor!

The picture on the right shares how their learning of books can be turned into visual stories in reception class. Check out our Twitter/X page to hear a story out loud- it’s SUPER! The link is

Tudor receives (another) super report from county- well done everyone!

As well as being proud to support other schools, Tudor Primary also receives inspection visits from county advisors each term and the first visit of the year took place last week. The core focus was on our teaching of mathematics and the feedback from our advisor was super. The advisor looked at teaching and learning throughout the school from the children in EYFS all the way through to year 6. The statements below are taken from the report; they certainly make wonderful reading and highlight why Tudor children flourish in this subject.

Healthy Lunch Choices

During our consultation evenings, Herts Catering have been able to share the quality of food on offer for children at Tudor.

We are proud of our kitchen team and we hope that as many families as possible choose school dinners as their preferred lunch option. Ensuring a HEALTHY packed lunch is certainly a challenge and, as the ‘plate pictures’ of the options above highlight, school dinners have a range of choice. Please do consider a healthy and nutritious school lunch for your child at Tudor.  

A wonderful first half term for attendance- let’s keep it up. It’s SO important for your children

As parents of Tudor will know, attendance (and punctuality!) has been a real focus during my leadership of the school. Enabling the children to benefit from a full and consistent education is vital and it is no coincidence that the more the children benefit from being in school, the more progress (and happiness!) they experience!

Our overall rate at the moment for the complete school is 96.7%. This TRULY evidences a strong partnership between home and school and we should all feel very proud of that. This overall absence primarily relates to a small number of persistent absentees (for attendance below 90%). Use your Arbor app to look at your child’s attendance rate. The higher it is- the more they will flourish…now AND in the future. 

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL) is a Hertfordshire-wide initiative, working to improve the range of provision and support services available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. To find information about resources, support or courses available for parents and/or young people please do take a look at their website: If your child is struggling with anxiety, panic, worry or displaying challenging behaviours and you would like advice on how to support your child with this, please come and speak to me about the 1:1 interventions Anne Weedon, from our local Mental Health Support Team, can offer.

The Friends of Tudor- SAVE THE DATE for FIREWORKS

One of the most amazing events of the school year is the fantastic fireworks spectacular that the Friends of Tudor organises. This will be taking place on Friday 8th November. Tickets are already on sale. They are on sale on the playground and via the QR code.

Such events are only possible with the support of the school community; if you are able to help with the event, do contact the FOT!

62 sleeps to go…! Do ensure that any Christmas card orders are placed by the 24th October.


Parent Governor Election- please vote

The QR code below this news item can be used to help you cast your vote in the current parent governor election. You can also read how each candidate wants to help make a positive difference in our school. Do take some time to help our governing board become even stronger. It is a key part of #TeamTudor!

A ‘gentle reminder’ - UNIFORM- Do check your child adheres to the school uniform policy and guidance. Plain black shoes (no bright logos/ laces) are to be worn as part of the uniform. If your child is unable (in the VERY short term) to have smart black shoes, ensure any interim shoes are as close to expectations as possible. Some ‘interesting’ additions have been noted so please make sure that tights/ hair accessories, etc remain in line with a smart, ordered uniform. Also, do check your child has a (named) coat- even if the weather is dry when they leave in the morning.

Are you interested in purchasing a woodwind instrument?

The school is in possession of a number of saxophones, flutes and clarinets. We are able to sell these for fantastically low/ subsidised prices. Saxophones are available for £100, flutes for £20 and clarinets for £30. If you would like one (or know anyone that does!), make sure you contact the office.

Anti-bullying week- This will take place from 11 to 15 November 2024 and this year it has the theme ‘Respect’.

At Tudor, we will be focusing on this important message in assemblies and during activities within the classroom, all week long, supporting our core principles of:

Be Kind; Be respectful; Be responsible

We are very proud of the behaviour of our pupils here at Tudor, as they strive to be the best they can. The week starts with Odd Socks Day on Monday 11th November, where adults and children are invited to wear odd socks to school (or colourful tights) to celebrate what makes us all unique. The week will end with us raising money for a very worthy cause – Children in Need.  To support this fantastic charity, we are asking that you donate just £1 when you come to school on Friday 15th November in non-school uniform. 

Important dates for the second half of the autumn term:

Class assemblies:    

6Y- 14th Nov

5W- 21st Nov

4V- 28th Nov

3T- 5th Dec

KS1 Christmas performances- 9.30am on Tues 10th and Thurs 12th December

EYFS Christmas performance- 9.30am on Weds 11th December

School Christmas Lunch- Weds 11th December

Don’t forget school is closed on Monday 4th November for staff training. School reopens on Tuesday 5th November. If I don’t see you before, have a fantastic half term break!

Mr Weightman
