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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Stay informed about all things for #TeamTudor

Newsletter 3

Wednesday 9th October 2024

Dear Parents/ Carers,

The first month of the school year has now been completed and we look forward to sharing how the children have started in the first consultation meetings. Children are settled in class and the work being produced is impressive- we welcomed some new faces to the teaching team in the summer and the standards remain where we want them to be. Talking of outcomes and results, the latest assessment profiles for all schools in the county have been released and we are delighted with just how well Tudor performed. As well as the exceptional outcomes for those children who receive additional funding to the tremendous number of children who achieve the HIGHEST possible outcomes, Tudor truly leads the way in Dacorum. We should all feel extremely proud and we pledge that we will continue to be truly aspirational for your children. I have added some screenshots for Tudor’s comparative performance below. The first table is the percentage of our children who achieved the expected standard in EVERY subject compared to local, county and national averages.

The next table shows the percentage of children that reach the greater depth standard in all areas- Tudor (once again!) achieved nearly double the Dacorum and national average.

A HUGE well done to everyone who helped make these outcomes possible. It really is a TEAM and COMMUNITY effort…

Ensuring the Tudorites reach the top!

As highlighted above, the ongoing academic (and social!) success of our pupils is the result of the partnership that we all have. The first consultation evenings of the school year will be taking place on Tuesday 22nd October and Thursday 24th October. All parents have now been informed of the booking guidance and it was super to see that well over half of all families signed up for appointments as soon as they could so. We do, however, expect that EVERY child is represented by their families. Whilst school is a vital part of any childhood, the influence and input of parents is what truly counts- book appointments at:

A(nother) perfect trip to PGL

It’s always awesome to hear how much the children enjoy the year 6 residential trip and it was no different for the 2024 adventurers who visited PGL Barton Hall in Torquay. They all achieved so much and, as always, the children of Tudor received fabulous feedback for their behaviour.

They were all supportive of each other as they faced their fears on a number of outdoor challenges. Thank you to all the staff who attended the trip too- we all appreciate how you go above and beyond!

We remain determined for as many children to experience such trips so be assured that Tudor works incredibly hard to keep costs manageable by subsidising the costs The trip for 2025 has already been booked and the children currently in year 5 can start looking forward to a TRULY memorable time. More details will be shared soon.  

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

From Monday 14th October until Friday 15th November, we have our first 'Support Plan Window' of this academic year. If your child has an individual support plan, you will receive a letter inviting you to a support plan meeting. To ensure your child achieves their full potential, it is vital that parents, teachers and children work together to review and plan these individual targets, therefore, please do attend this meeting. If the original appointment time is not convenient, do contact your child's class teacher to arrange an alternative date and/or time. Please do look at the SEND/Family Links section of the school website, here you will find information about a range of free online and face to face workshops facilitated by Dacorum Family Services (workshops include 'Anxiety and Attendance', 'Secondary School Applications', 'Helping your child with their anger' and 'Promoting healthy sleep for your child'. On Monday 14th October at 9am, Anne Weedon, from our Mental Health Support Team, will be attending our 'Tudor Coffee Morning', we will be discussing how to support your child with anxiety. If your child can show signs of anxiety and you would like to find out more about how you can support them, please do come along - everybody is welcome (tea, coffee and biscuits provided). 

Please REGULARLY use our website- have it on your ‘favourites’

To enable you to get the most out of Tudor, our school website is a key resource that you need to use. The website also contains guidance on everything that you need to know- from class assembly dates/ times and key policies to evidencing the impact that we have with your children- Remaining class assembly dates for the first half term are: 10th Oct- 4U, 17th Oct-3S


The Friends of Tudor- SAVE THE DATE for FIREWORKS

One of the most amazing events of the school year is the fantastic fireworks spectacular that the Friends of Tudor organises. This will be taking place on Friday 8th November. Tickets will be released on Monday 14th October. They will be on sale on the playground and via the QR code.

Such events are only possible with the support of the school community; if you are able to help with the event, do contact the FOT!

77 sleeps to go…! Do ensure that any Christmas card orders are placed by the 24th October.

A ‘gentle reminder’ - UNIFORM- Do check your child adheres to the school uniform policy and guidance. Plain black shoes (no bright logos/ laces) are to be worn as part of the uniform. If your child is unable (in the VERY short term) to have smart black shoes, ensure any interim shoes are as close to expectations as possible. Some ‘interesting’ additions have been noted recently so please make sure that tights/ hair accessories, etc remain in line with a smart, ordered uniform. Also, do check your child has a (named) coat- even if the weather is dry when they leave in the morning.

Would you like to make EVEN MORE of a difference? The Tudor Primary Governing Board

Information has been shared with the parent community about the opportunity to join our governing board. Ever since I joined Tudor in 2016, the governing board have worked alongside me in shaping and guiding our school so EVERY child is able to reach their potential. If you are interested in coming ‘on board’ and TRULY flying with us, we look forward to hearing from you- check your inboxes for information.

Are you interested in purchasing a woodwind instrument?

The school is in possession of a number of saxophones, flutes and clarinets. We are able to sell these for fantastically low/ subsidised prices. Saxophones are available for £100, flutes for £20 and clarinets for £30. If you would like one (or know anyone that does!), make sure you contact the office.

Our harvest festival collection for DENS was really successful this week. This was organised with the help of our valued Tudor Owls and the donations received will certainly make a positive difference in the local area.

We are all fortunate to work in the best school, with the BEST families. Let’s keep working together to make a difference for the children- but also for our community! After all, we’re #TEAMTudor…

Mr Weightman
