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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Approaching the half-way point of the academic year- stay informed!

Newsletter 8

Friday 26th January 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Once the term is well and truly underway, it’s always exciting to see how the children respond to the new themes. The standard of work around school is really pleasing and children of all ages are thriving. The teachers really do make it engaging: I am sure the parents of year 4 are aware of the ‘Case of the Missing Doughnuts’ which has been challenging the children from the moment they found their classroom ransacked and the sweet treats missing! I promise (your honour) it was not me! I think I have a good idea who it was though...

As said in the last newsletter, whilst the spring term is the shortest one of the year, it really is a time when the learning accelerates. The impact of additional interventions as well as the extra efforts from all is clear. There have been lots of visitors to my room- there is nothing better for a headteacher than when children bring their work to me to ‘show it off!’

Recent newsletters have been able to share how Tudor has been supporting other local primary schools and the impact of our work has had super results. Working in partnership with other schools helps improve and refine our own practice and to see how our staff engage with other teachers and professionals has been a key part of our recent development. A further example of this is my current work with schools (primary and secondary) across Dacorum where I am determined to support the experience of transition between schools for children and families. Whilst Tudor children do incredibly well when they move to secondary schools, it can be a period of real challenge and too many children in Dacorum struggle. To highlight this, there has been more than a 500% increase in the number of children permanently excluded from school following the move from year 6 to year 7. As a member of the Dacorum behaviour and wellbeing board and as a governor at DESC I am determined to try and improve this situation. There is such amazing work that goes on in both primary and secondary schools but we must try to ensure more consistency of what to expect. There is no doubt that the role of parents is vital but they are not always aware of (and/ or do not take advantage of) what is being offered to help their child move between schools. A shared understanding from all parties including more communication should be central to this.

In regard to children moving TO Tudor Primary, the school is delighted with the number of applications that we have received for next year’s reception intake. More children than ever before have applied for a space at Tudor and the number of families that have requested Tudor as their FIRST CHOICE should make us all feel proud. It is not an exaggeration to say that Tudor could have filled two classes (and more!) from first choices alone. The current reception children are performing brilliantly and we know our next cohort will also flourish with our tremendous early years team.

Another piece of fantastic news at Tudor is the current level of attendance. More children are benefitting from a consistent experience of school that they all deserve.

Whilst a small minority of children remain a concern due their inconsistent experience of school (usually on certain days), we should be thrilled that Tudor has become a school where children want to attend and learn alongside their friends EVERY day.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Assistant Head for Inclusion:

The latest ‘DSPL8 Parent/Carer Newsletter: Spring Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download via the following link: They are also available in the SEND/Family links section of our school website. I would also like to share information about 'The Neurodiversity Hub' which is an advice service offering support, signposting and guidance about a whole range of things including ADHD, Autism, distressed behaviours, anxiety and school. Any parent/carer can use this service and they can be contacted via telephone 01727 833963 or via email at: Finally, do not forget we have our 'Tudor Coffee Morning' on Friday 26th at 9am, and we will be discussing how to support your child with emotional regulation - I hope to see you there!

Safeguarding at Tudor Primary - a message from Ms Smith – our Designated Safeguarding Lead

Tudor school are fully behind and supportive of a Police initiative designed to support children facing domestic abuse.   Operation Encompass is a police and education sharing partnership, enabling schools to offer immediate support for children experiencing domestic abuse. 

Within every school a trained Key Adult is appointed - at Tudor this is Ms Smith – and the Key Adult receives information about abusive incidents directly from the police. The Key Adult will be notified prior to the start of the next school day that the police have attended an incident of domestic abuse to which a child has been exposed. This timely knowledge enables a plan for appropriate support to be made for that child so that all interactions, from when the child first arrives at the school gates, are of a positive nature.  

A drop-in service for SADA (survivors against domestic abuse) is available. The next session will be Monday 29th January 2024 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm in Letchworth TownFurther details can be found on the safeguarding section of our school website.


We would like to take this opportunity to remind you all of the problems that can arise if children are allowed to use WhatsApp. Despite guidance stating that such social messaging should not be used by under 16s, we recognise that many children do have access to it. Tudor will always try to be pro active in our support of the children in such areas but please do recognise the risks.

The Hangout- do take advantage of this awesome offer!

Has your child been able to experience the Hangout after school provision yet? It gets super feedback and we continue to be impressed with what the children experience. Find out more at

After-School Clubs- Please pay promptly or your child may not be allowed to attend.  To support your management of payments, the Arbor app has a new feature that shows you how much you owe the school in total. This will enable you to see (at any time) how much you need to pay. This feature is in the main dashboard section of the app.

Some key dates for spring-  do check the website to stay informed.

Parent Consultations (and mid-year reports): Tuesday 13th February and Thursday 15th February.

Class assemblies:    

2Q on Thursday 8th February

2R on Thursday 15th February

5W on Thursday 14th March

5X on Thursday 21st March

PARKING- Please ensure that you are supporting everyone by parking legally and safely. Unless you have permission from the school, please do NOT use the school car park. Parents MUST NOT park across or drop children on the yellow zigzags. Such measures are to help ensure the safety of everyone. Both sets of blue gates must NOT be blocked. Thanks for doing the right thing! 


We look forward to seeing all children represented by their families at our consultation evenings. It’s nearly half way through the year- WOW! Time flies when you’re having fun- enjoy the weekend.

Mr Weightman      
