#TeamTudor ready for 2023-2024
It is fair to say that last academic year was one of the most impactful years in the history of our school. In addition to our highly successful Ofsted inspection, we were selected as a lead school to help improve the experiences of children in other settings. Tudor continues to work alongside other schools to model, support and improve classroom practice and this also enables our own staff team to refine and enhance their own skill set.
Our Tudor teaching team has been busy preparing the learning environments for our new academic year and we are sure that the children will very quickly settle and make those next steps forward- academically and socially.
It is important to share that a focus within our own staff training prior to the start of the new term has been on providing appropriate support in times of difficulty. As recent communication to parents highlighted, a key strength of our school is the close partnership that we have with our school community. We look forward to working with you all again.