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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

We tend to idealise childhood as a carefree time, but childhood alone offers no shield against the emotional hurts, challenges, and traumas many children face. Children can be asked to deal with problems ranging from adapting to a new classroom or online schooling to falling out with friends or even struggles at home. Add to that the uncertainties that are part of growing up in a complex world, and childhood can be anything but carefree. The ability to thrive despite these challenges arises from the skills of resilience.

The good news is that resilience skills can be learned and here at Tudor, we will be equipping our children with the skills needed to tackle this core value.  

Well done to those fabulous children who were nominated for the value of positivity for May - thank you for helping to keep our school a positive one!  Do take a look at the values section of our website where you will see the names of those super children.