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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

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Newsletter 12

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Whilst the weather appears to forget that we are well into the summer term (!), the super energy in school continues to keep things bright and and positive. A HUGE well done to the children in year 6 (and year 2!) who completed their SAT assessments recently. Tudor has performed extremely well in such assessments recently and we look forward to maintaining our high standards. You are likely to have read a lot of (negative) news in the national press about the year 6 tests this year and it was noticeable that there was an increase in the ‘amount’ of reading that the children had to get through. What was certainly evident, though, was how settled and calm the children were during the week. They really did want to give their best and all at #TeamTudor are proud of how the children worked. As headteacher, I am determined for all Tudorites to enjoy what should be a truly special year of their education. We continue to ensure a broad and balanced currriculum and we must never narrow the opportunities that the children deserve in their last period of time altogether before they move on to their secondary schools. Do check our twitter pages that share the RANGE of awesome activties that our children experience- from Chessington trips and sports festivals to thematic food technology and coronation parties- it’s all going on!

The development (educationally and socially) of the children is a key part of our pupil progress meetings which have also been taking place these last few weeks. I know I have said this before but the knowledge that the teachers have about EACH and EVERY member of their classrooms is truly special. This understanding comes from working with children (and families) closely and it evidences the talent that the teaching team has- it is not an exaggaration to say each teacher could speak for hours about each child! The IMPACT of the extra interventions that we put in place for individuals and groups is discussed and this helps us plan for what we do next. However, I must be honest and share that there is a real sense of disappointment (and frustation) when a child/ family is offered enhanced support (such as extra free tuition and/ or learning clubs) and the child is not enabled to attend/ take part. I do not think that such levels of support will be offered in any subsequent school/ stage of their education and it will continue to surprise me to hear some of the excuses that are offered. After all, what is more important than trying to help each child fulfil their potential. Without exception, those families who DO take advantage of the enhanced school support see the benefit. Children only get one chance at an education…

Feedback for our after school provision CONTINUES to be really positive. Activities and opportunities are adapted and adjusted in response to the views of the children- they clearly have a super time. Gardening, art and sports activities are just some of the favourites!  You can book a space up to 1.30pm each day and we ensure HIGH levels of adult capacity.

Mr Denny (Hangout Manager) and Miss McGee (Activity Leader) are on hand to answer questions and provide further detail about how AMAZING the provision is. The ‘Hangout Snack Box’ is also proving popular. Tax Free Childcare and Childcare Vouchers (from employers) are all accepted. The office team can help with understanding how to access this additional financial support. We’re here to HELP!

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

The latest ‘Delivering Special Provision Locally Parent/Carer Newsletter: Summer Term’ & ‘Dacorum Parent/Carers courses and support' newsletters are available to download via the following link: Alternatively, you can find them in the SEND/Family Links section of our school website. In the DSPL8 newsletter you will find information about; The Dacorum Families SEND Information Fayre which is taking place at Grovehill and Woodhall Farm Adventure Playground on 22.06.2023, Hertfordshire Family Centre Service: Family Support Service, NESSie: Funded mental health workshops, advice and support, BeeZee Bodies Courses, SEND Drop-in sessions and lots more! I will be holding a 'Tudor Coffee Morning', with a focus on supporting your child with transition, on Tuesday 20th June at 9am - please put the date in your diary.

Safeguarding at Tudor- staying safe online…

Tudor continues to work hard with helping children make appropriate decisions online. Despite this, social media remains an area where schools continue to experience difficulty- especially when different families will have contrasting views/ approaches about their children being online. As  shared in previous newsletters, secondary school headteachers experience most difficulty on Monday mornings due to the ‘fallout’ of what has happened online over the weekend.

Please take time to visit the safeguarding section of our school website which continues to offer a whole host of information around supporting parents with internet safety:

The most recent county newsletter is also on our website and this shares the risks of live-streaming. It also contains three lovely online story books for children aged between 4 and 7 years.  In addition, it guides parents on how to report social media sites. Let’s all stay fully informed…

Please join our Friends of Tudor online ZOOM meeting on Thurs 25th May at 7.30pm. Details are on the FOT facebook page.  The work that this group do is vital for EVERY child at Tudor. They also need a new chairperson- if you can help in any way- get in touch! SAVE THE DATE for our SUMMER FETE on Saturday 8th July. It will be AWESOME!

Attendance Update- Is YOUR child a PERSISTENT ABSENTEE?

Do check your ARBOR app to ensure that your child is being enabled to enjoy a full experience of school. 97% is our school target. Anything under 90% means that your child will be considered a ‘persistent absentee’ and this WILL affect your child’s social and academic development. In relation to working WITH your child’s school…

A PLEA from the office team- The office team at Tudor would like to remind all parents of the importance of informing the school if your child is absent. It should not be the job of Tudor staff to find out why a child is not in school. Getting to school on time so children can enter their classroom in the correct way is also an expectation that we expect all parents to meet. School staff are having to transport children around the school so that they reach their classroom. Well done to the VAST majority of parents who enable their children to start EVERY DAY in the RIGHT WAY! School starts at 8.45am and this is when we expect children to enter their class.

School finishes for the half term on Friday at 3.15pm. After the half term holiday, school reopens at 8.45am on Monday 5th June. We look forward to seeing all of the children return for what WILL be a super final 7 weeks of schooling for this academic year. Our awesome Tudorites can expect: tennis tournaments, Windsor workshops, skiing lessons, art week fun, sports festivals and MORE! We really want to make their Tudor experience MEMORABLE.

Mr Weightman    
