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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Let's ALL look forward to a super term of enjoyment, learning and sunshine...

Newsletter 10

Thursday 20th April 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers,

It is so hard to believe that we are already in the summer term! The year has certainly been busy and we are keen to maintain the high levels of energy that we put in each day for your children. As a result of the super progress that the school has made as well as the high quality feedback about practice here, we will now be working alongside other schools in support of them. This is something that we should all feel very proud about and, whilst it further increases expectations on the Tudor staff team, it will help refine our own performance even more. Our reputation is really pleasing and this has been further evidenced by high interest in school places here. Reception allocations were announced this week and the future at Tudor remains bright- there are increasingly long waiting lists for spaces in other year groups too!

A key strength of our school is our ‘Tudor Curriculum’ and the classroom environments are ready for a new term of stimulating learning. The Early Years team have been sending me pictures of the ‘minibeast-inspired’ area that they have prepared for our youngest pupils.

The teaching team certainly work closely each term to formulate exciting and rewarding  activities that inspire EVERY child and the new themes for the summer term are:

Year 1 and Year 2- ‘Turrets and Tiaras’

Year 3 and Year 4- ‘Tomb Raiders’

Year 5 and Year 6- ‘It’s all Greek to me!’

I am sure you are able to work out the key focus within those titles and, unsurprisingly, Miss Cosby is already (over!) excited about the Coronation of King Charles as part of the theme in year 2. When teachers at Tudor become immersed in a subject, they truly go for it! After all, there is little doubt that a key ingredient in ANY classroom is enjoyment and I am determined for the enthusiasm and passion of the teaching team to remain a natural part of our provision. To share some AWESOME content, have a look at this recent work in year 2- the children set up cameras to study our wildlife:

The Hangout- New after school provision!

The Hangout has OFFICIALLY started! Tudor Primary now offers wrap-around care from 7.45am until 6pm on site and we are determined to meet (and exceed!) the expectations of the school community. Interest in spaces is looking positive and we want LOTS of children to enjoy the provision. There are HIGH levels of adult capacity and is used to deliver ACTIVE and HIGHLY ENGAGING activities that the children will enjoy being part of.

By leading the provision ourselves we will ensure that all of our existing (and effective!) approaches will be maintained at all times, and for all those who take part. For more information on ‘The Hangout’ do look at our website-this is certainly another important step forward for Tudor Primary School. The (very) early feedback has been AWESOME.

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

If you would like to be able to speak and listen to your child or deal with difficult behaviour more effectively, improve family relationships, help boost your child's self-esteem and confidence, be more confident to set limits and boundaries or gain support from other parents facing similar challenges, please do look at the 'Courses and Support in Dacorum' brochure available at: or in the SEND/Family Links section of the school website. Alternatively, go to the Hertfordshire Local Offer website: Here, you will find a wealth of information about what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please do contact me via and I will be happy to help! 

Summer after school activity clubs- INCLUDING FREEWHEEL FRIDAY!

The allocations have been made for the summer term after-school clubs. Parents will be informed by the office team but please also look at ARBOR to see if your child has been given a space.  Freewheel Fridays RETURNS on Friday 28th April. The children will CERTAINLY be excited about that! Please remember that this club will be weather dependent and we will aim to give you as much notice as possible about any changes in plan. Like before, children from Reception to Year 3 require (appropriate) adult supervision. We also need to be informed about collection arrangements for children in years 4,5 and 6.

ENSURE those bikes and scooters are in suitable condition and PLEASE provide your child with the right safety equipment for the activity. We are proud of this club, but it only works when we have good cooperation from the parent community!

Speaking of sporting activity, our football team lost out on penalties in what was a fantastic match in the cup semi-final. Well done to the children who represented the school so brilliantly- you were SUPER!

Football and FoTBall! On the afternoon of Saturday 29th April, Friends of Tudor are holding their first ever Parents vs Teacher football match! The teachers have already started getting their team together and we need you to come and join the parent team, have a fun (or slightly competitive) game of football and support Friends of Tudor!  Gates will open at 1pm, for a 2pm kick off-  Spectator entry: £10 per family (up to 5 people), £3 per person. We look forward to seeing you there!

Enhanced sign-in system at Tudor now in operation for visitors. The office team will be able to support those who require access to the school in using the system which will further increase safety for all in school.

If you are just visiting the school office (for information or drop off and collection) you DO NOT have to use the system as it is for those who require access beyond the front entrance.

Managing absence-  LET’S ALL AIM FOR A SUPER LEVEL OF ATTENDANCE THIS TERM. A consistent experience of education in vital in your child’s academic and social achievement.  If your child is absent, you MUST inform the school. In addition, on any subsequent/ further day of absence please update the school with the situation so we are aware of how things are progressing. The duty of care (whether they are in school or not!) is a key part of our work at Tudor and this can only be achieved with clear cooperation between home and school.


The end of the last term saw a warm goodbye (and thank you!) to Mrs Benjamin. Welcome to Mrs Selva, Mr Robinson, Mrs Jones and Miss Weeks who have all joined #TeamTudor. I trust this newsletter has shared how fun and exciting Tudor Primary continues to be- a strong, committed and friendly staff team is key to our success!

Mr Weightman    
