The future's bright. (Now let's make it happen!)
All parents should now have received a copy of the full Ofsted report. Whilst such inspections provide a 'snapshot in time', it was pleasing to note that the inpection team understood where we are as a school as well as where we are going. There are strengths that are evident throughout the report and I trust that our parent community continue to be confident about the provision that we give to the children.
Comments such as:
'Pupils enjoy learning and get on with it enthusiastically in class.'
'Learning in Nursery and Reception is fun-filled and action packed.'
'Pupils say that they feel safe and they are.'
'Making rapid progress.'
'Relationships are strong in all classes and this lends confidence to pupils' learning.'
'Teachers manage pupils' behaviour well so that learning proceeds without interruption.'
'Pupils' personal development and welfare is outstanding.'
'Pupils of all ages mix together well.'
are the result of working together and suporting each other and I know that we will continue to develop and progress as a school.
It is fair to say that the outcomes of the report were not easy to achieve. This academic year has seen major change and overhaul in respect of leadership and the systems and structures that are in place. This has also been occuring whilst the school continues to go through a refurbishment program to ensure that the 'complete school' is the standard we expect (and deserve).
To put a smile on your faces, Miss Pike sent me the picture below today (Friday). It's of Shreya in Yellow class. She looks so happy with the story she wrote- and so she should. Well done to all our young writers!
As well as having tremendous children, our school is also blessed with a hardworking and committed staff. Everyone 'did their bit' during the inspection- it has been really fantastic to see their efforts rewarded with a judgement that recognises the progress of the school.
Since the inspection, the children have enjoyed Science week. Mrs Rogers proved inspirational (yet again!) in devising a range of fun activities for the children. These ranged from forensic science workshops to finding the 'hidden' penguins around school. Here are two of our successful penguin seekers:
We also looked at the sustainability of our planet. The new pledge for us all to reduce our carbon footprint is displayed prominantly in the school hall and it serves us as a reminder for how we must all work together- wherever and whoever we are!
Friday 24th March is 'Red Nose Day'- the fun just does not stop at Tudor does it! Don't forget that children (and staff!) are able to wear something red to help raise awareness of this fund raising event.
As we near the end of the Spring term, we should all recognise the achievements that we are all making. The Summer Term will certainly not see a reduction in energy and ideas. As I continue to promise the children and staff, we are only just starting...
Let's all use that solar energy!
Mr. Weightman