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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

We should all feel INCREDIBLY proud with what is being said about OUR school.

Tudor Primary has only just recently received an (awesome!) Ofsted Inspection but, as my latest newsletter shared, we must CONTINUE to keep looking forward and wanting to improve. I trust the following evidences just that...

Our 'Spring Visit' from the county advisory service has taken place and the focus was on how Tudor supports our most vulnerable pupils. Whilst the high quality input benefits all the children that come to school each day, the feedback evidences just how much we are determined to go 'above and beyond' for the children and families of our school who need that 'something extra'.

It is a rather detailed report, but we hope the following phrases make you truly proud to be part of #TeamTudor:

‘Staff have a comprehensive knowledge of the children they work with which enables the school to provide highly individual care and support beyond the classroom’

‘Pupils felt included and fully involved, with no sense that activities were out of their reach or restricted to only certain pupils’

‘The experiences made them better learners and more resilient’

‘Tudor offers a range of clubs, trips, visits and experiences to bring a breadth of experience and opportunity into the lives of all children, especially those who might not otherwise get the chance’

‘Tudor supports attendance, self-confidence and physical wellbeing of pupils’

‘(Tudor’s) ethos was demonstrated by all staff’

‘The team demonstrated warmth and support for pupils arriving and leaving, making sure pupils felt secure in the knowledge they are known and belong’

‘Their respect for the adults in the school and to each other reflected the level of care and individual provision they have received’

‘Staff…were observed giving well-structured, in the moment feedback, to provide personalised provision, moving learning forward’

‘Tudor work closely with parents to boost parental engagement, aware that some parents may have had difficult experiences in school themselves’

‘The leadership team place a strong emphasis on mental health and wellbeing, in the knowledge that many of the most vulnerable pupils at Tudor are managing some complex circumstances’

‘Pupils said that they felt happy and safe, and that they enjoyed coming to school’

‘Pupils’ books and end of key stage assessments reflected the high-quality range of support and opportunities available to all children and their parents’