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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

With your help, Safer Internet Day 2023 can be a springboard for conversations that shape how we talk about and respond to online issues, not just for one day, but throughout the whole year.  All children at Tudor will be taking part in a whole school assembly that will start this conversation off and then further activities will take place during the rest of the week.  


Our children can be exposed to many online challenges, and it is vital that they feel confident to be able to share these both at home and in school.  For you as parents, please look at the wealth of guidance we have on our website here or visit the Safer Internet Organisation site that is packed with tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.

It is important to note that this is not the only time we have a focus on online safety as all of our computing sessions start with a half hour teaching session on how to keep ourselves safe online, as well as covering this important topic within our PSHE lessons throughout the year.