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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Let's finish off this year in the RIGHT way!

Newsletter 5

Thursday 8th December 2022

Dear Parents/ Carers,

2022 has been an(other) super year for YOUR school

As you will be aware, the school was notified of our Ofsted inspection at the start of this week. The views of many different stakeholders are taken into account during an inspection process and we have been delighted with the views that were shared by the school community. In addition, the school at Tudor received a number of supportive emails from families to wish the team well in what is always a rather challenging situation- simply put, we just REALLY want the hard work that we ALL put in to be recognised.

School leaders have now received the ‘provisional’ judgement and we will be able to share this with the school community early in January. All families will receive a copy of the full report. At this point, I am not even permitted to inform the rest of the team at Tudor what the outcome was.  The children certainly enjoyed sharing their experience of school with the inspector- do look at our website, class blogs and twitter pages to find out what goes on EVERY day in our school. The photo below is just one of MANY great moments that take place…


Let’s end the year in the right way!

Even without school inspections, December is a busy month in schools. We must keep our high focus on learning and development but also ensure the school community can come together and celebrate the festive period.

Our website is able to share important dates and news but I also thought it would be useful to share some headlines in this newsletter. Make sure you add the dates to your diaries:

Tues 13th December- 9.30am- Year 1 and Year 2 Show- ‘The Ingredients for a Perfect Christmas’

Tues 13th December- 3.30 pm- Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6- Playground Christmas Concert

Wed 14th December- 9.30am- Nursery and Reception Christmas Performance

Wed 14th December- Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumpers

Thurs 15th December- 9.30am- Year 1 and Year 2 Show- ‘The Ingredients for a Perfect Christmas’

Mon 19th December- Festive Surprise- we are really excited about this!

Wed 21st December- Headteacher Assembly and End of Term at 2pm


ATTENDANCE- a continued area of school focus

Following our last newsletter attendance update, there was a huge improvement in the percentage of children attending in reception. That first full year of learning is so vital and we really want our high levels of attendance to be mirrored with our youngest learners. At the start of the spring term we will be sharing attendance information with all families.

In the meantime, don’t forget to look at your ARBOR app to see you child’s current attendance data. Our website has further information too:

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:

For the most recent information about courses and support for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities, please click on the following link: Here you will also find details of events (including Christmas activities) in Dacorum, specifically organised for children with additional needs. If you cannot find the information you are looking for on the Hertfordshire Local Offer website, do not hesitate to find me on the playground before or after school or email me at

Safeguarding at Tudor Primary - a message from Ms Smith – our Designated Safeguarding Lead

Operation Encompass

Tudor school are fully behind and supportive of a Police initiative designed to support children facing domestic abuse.   Operation Encompass is a police and education sharing partnership, enabling schools to offer immediate support for children experiencing domestic abuse.  The principles of Operation Encompass are very simple and easy to adopt. Within every school a trained Key Adult is appointed - at Tudor this is Ms Smith – and the Key Adult receives information about abusive incidents directly from the police. The Key Adult will be notified prior to the start of the next school day that the police have attended an incident of domestic abuse to which a child has been exposed. This timely knowledge enables a plan for appropriate support to be made for that child so that all interactions, from when the child first arrives at the school gates, are of a positive nature.  To find out more about how this works, visit

Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. Find out how to recognise the signs and where to get help by visiting:

The school office can now accept card payments- If you need to pay for meals or uniform, you can now use your card as well as cash! 

Lost Property- Have you made sure that you have CLEARLY named your children’s uniform? If you want help with this, do contact the office team. When uniform is suitably named we can easily get misplaced items back to the correct children/ families.

COMMUNITY HELP!- I hope you can all join me in thanking the Longdean (and ex-Tudor) students who have been helping keep our site looking super. As part of their Duke of Edinburgh award they are providing community support and they have certainly been working hard for #TeamTudor. THANK YOU!

End of term- Our final day of the school year is Wednesday 21st December. School closes for the holidays at 2pm. Please note that there will be no Energy-Kidz after school provision on this final day.

The school will be taking part on training days on Thurs 5th and Fri 6th January so school starts for the children in 2023 on Monday 9th January. We request that ALL families make a collective end of year resolution to be on time in the morning so that children are ready to learn from 8.45am EVERY day. After all, we PROMISE it will be another exciting and inspirational year for Tudor Primary. Before then, let’s really enjoy this fun-filled December…

Mr Weightman    
